april09-TW - Six Different Ways Inside My Heart.pdf

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Copyright Page
This book was automatically created by FLAG on June 6th, 2013, based on
content retrieved from http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6942937/ .
The content in this book is copyrighted by april09-TW or their authorised
agent(s). All rights are reserved except where explicitly stated otherwise.
This story was first published on April 26th, 2011, and was last updated on
October 3rd, 2011.
Any and all feedback is greatly appreciated - please email any bugs, problems,
feature requests etc. to flag@erayd.net .
Bella & Edward meet when she is diagnosed with a life threatening disease & he
is recovering from knee surgery. She confides her fears to him; he changes his life
because of her. A journey through the confusion, awkwardness, pain & beauty of
first love.
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Prologue: Movement
A/N: I started writing Six Different Ways in June 2009 and first posted it on
Twilighted starting in August 2009. I'm just finally posting it here on FF in the hopes
that it will encourage me to finish writing it. I have about three chapters left,
partially written, and am hoping to wrap this up in the next month or so.
Disclaimer: While I wasn't new to writing, I was new to the fandom at the time,
and if I were to write this now, it would be different. Also, the patients/characters in
this story are all fictional.
Thank you to pomme_de_terre for pre-reading. The title of this story is from The
Cure song of the same name.
Stephenie Meyer owns any Twilight characters that may appear in this
story. The remainder is my original work. No copying or reproduction of this
work is permitted without my express written authorization.
I stare at the patterns on my ceiling, the smoothness of the swirling forms making
me think of cells like in my biology class. Cells dividing and dividing and dividing.
Repeated phases of mitosis. But instead of creating another living thing, they are
invading my body, my blood, my bones.
The swirls start to blur and merge into one as my eyes tear up. I blink the warm
moisture back and reluctantly smile up at them at the ridiculousness of my fear
yesterday morning when I went to the doctor's office. I didn't know fear then. They
sent me home from school, calling my mom to pick me up from the nurse's office. I
had fainted.
I had been feeling tired for the past few weeks, then out of the blue, I fainted. I
was running late for my English class and we had a paper due. I stayed up late
finishing it up and ran all the way to first period. One minute I was catching my
breath just outside the door, the next minute everything was spinning, then black.
This is it, I thought as I regained focus in the nurse's office. It was what I had
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