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                   SeanKelson's A Boy and His Blob Walkthrough
                                 ~Full Version~


                                 By SeanKelson

                          Copyright, 2001 SeanKelson

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Table Of Contents
2---"Quick" Walkthrough
    A. Night World
    B. Day World
3---Detailed Walkthrough
    A. Night World
    B. Day World
    A. Jelly Beans
    B. Other Items
5---Other Information
    A. Author's Note
    B. Contact Information
    C. Future Versions
    D. Credits & Copyright
---File Summary---

Note: If you find an error, please report it to me.

                             Section 1: Introduction

    This walkthrough is over the Nintendo game A Boy and His Blob.  It was 
released in 1989.  The game features the hero, a boy, and his sidekick, his blob.  
The blob transforms ino different items when you feed it different flavored 
jelly beans.  These items help you overcome the obstacles in the game as well as 
navigate through the game.
    Now, before you read any further, I will warn everybody that this 
walkthrough will spoil parts of the game for you.  I reccomend only using it if 
you need to.

                          Section 2: "Quick" Walkthrough

    If you don't need details, just look at this section.  It overviews the 
entire game very briefly in a simple list.

                             \   A: Night World    /

1. Leave your house and go down into the subway.
2. Drop down through a hole to the lower ledge of the subway.  Go left and use a 
    ladder to reach the treasure.  Go to the screen with the "Absolute Avenue" 
    sign and drop down a screen with a hole on the left side of that screen to 
    get another treasure.
3. Go right until you reach a ledge.  Fall with an umbrella and get another 
4. Go left, burning the web with a blow torch and avoiding the falling rocks 
    with an umbrella.
5. Build a bridge across the gap to get another treasure.
6. Fall down the pit the bridge went over and go right until you see a screen 
    with a gem on it.  Fall a screen down and use a trampoline to get to the 
7. Put a hole on the left side of the screen the trampoline is on.  Fall down 
    the hole.  Go left to get the treasure.
8. Fall down the pit to your right.  Go to the far left.  Use ladders to 
    climb up to the treasure.
9. Fall back down to the bottom.  Go to the far left and make a pit.
10. Fall down the pit.  Go left to the ledge.  Make the blob a bubble and go 
     inside the bubble.  Fall down into the water and go underwater, down a 
     screen from the surface of the water.
11. Go left one screen and get a gem.
12. Go to the far right, picking up six gems along the way.
13. Go left two screens, then down one.  Grab the treasure.
14. Go back to the surface of the water again and to the far left.  Use a 
     ladder to climb up a screen, then cross the gap with a bridge.
15. Go right one screen.  Use a trampoline to jump up a screen.  Go left and 
     get the treasure, then return to where the trampoline is.
16. Go right one screen.  Use a trampoline to jump up one screen and get on the 
     ledge.  Use a humming bird or ketchup jelly bean to get your blob up with 
     you.  Go to the far right, make a hole, and fall through.
17. Go right one screen.  Use a trampoline in the middle and jump up as high as 
     you can go, then land on the ledge on your left.  Get your blob up with 
     you with a ketchup bean or hummining bird.
18. Go left one screen and get the treasure.  Drop down a screen with a hole 
     and get another treasure.  Drop down again for another.
19. Anywhere on the bottom ledge of the screen you're on, make a hole and 
     drop down to get a treasure.
20. Fall down the pit a screen left of you with an umbrella, then repeat steps 
     15 and 16.
21. Bridge across the gap on the screen to the left this time.  Go two screens 
     left.  There will be a gem in the air.  Drop down a screen and use the  
     trampoline to get up to it.
22. Go to the screen to the right of the screen with the gem and climb up onto 
     the ledge with a ladder.
23. Use ladders up the ledges until you cannot go up any more.  Go one screen 
     to the left and collect your last treasure.
24. Go to the right and bridge across the gap.  Use the jack to pop the sewer 
     lid open.  Climb up the manhole with a ladder and go right.  Use a 
     hummingbird or ketchup jelly bean to get your blob up with you if it 
     doesn't come up our of the sewers with you.
25. Go far right and into the health foods store to pick up some stuff.
26. Leave the store and turn the blob into a rocket.  Use the rocket to enter 
     the Day World.

                             \    B: Day World     /

1. Feed the blob a coconut jelly bean.  Pick up the coconut and walk to the 
    edge of the screen.  When you're about there, throw the coconut with your 
    running start.  Don't whistle until the coconut is at the corn fields.
2 . Go right and into the factory.
3. Use a trampoline to jump a screen up and get on the candy cane.  Go a screen 
    left and press the switch.  Get your blob up to you with a hummingbird or 
    ketchup jelly bean.  Turn him into an umbrella and fly down to the screen to 
    the right of the screen with the switch.
4. Repeat step 3, as these next screens are the same.
5. Go right into the cave.
6. Go right. Watch the teeth carefully so you can run through them one at a 
    time for the next two screens of teeth.
7. Make your blob a hole in the middle of the screen after the teeth.  Drop 
    down, go right, and hit the switch to turn off the cauldren.
8. Use a trampoline to get up to the screen above you.  Use a hummingbird or 
    ketchup jelly bean to get your blob up.
9. Go to the right and through the two screens of fast moving teeth.
10. Go right until you see a large keyhole.  Turn your blob into a key and 
     unlock the door.
11. Now the blob is in a cage.  Whistle, then throw it an apple jelly bean, 
     getting a running head start.  Blob will knock down the jar of vitamins and 
     eliminate the evil from Blobolonia!

                         Section 3: Detailed Walkthrough

    If there isn't enough detail in the "Quick" Walkthrough for you, then this 
section goes into details.  Each paragraph is numbered though, describing the 
same step above in the quick walkthrough, but in greater detail.

                             \   A: Night World    /

    Step 1: You start the game by your house.  Go left two screens, and you will 
see stairs leading down to the subway.  Go down the stairs by holding down as 
you walk right.

    Step 2: Once you're at the bottom of the stairs, feed the blob a punch jelly 
bean to create a hole.  Fall down the hole, move out of the way, and whistle.  
Lead your blob to the screen to the left.  Position the blob under the platform 
with the treasure.  Feed your blob a licorice jelly bean to create a ladder.  Go 
up the ladder to get the treasure.  Whistle.  Jump down from the platform.  Go 
left two screens.  Position the blob on the left side of the screen.  Use a 
punch jelly bean to create a hole.  Fall down the hole then call your blob down. ...
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