Diseases of the Urinary System.pdf

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Diseases of the urinary system
Anatomy and physiology:
The composition of blood is kept constant mainly through the selective
elimination of water and solutes by the kidneys rather than by these materials in food.
This control involves balancing the body's input of ions and water with the amounts
excreted. As Na+ and Cl- are the most abundant somatically active solutes in plasma,
control of plasma volume and tonicity can be largely achieved by controlling the
amounts of these ions and water excreted.
Functions of the kidney:
1- Excretory: Excretion of water products and drugs in the urine.
2- Regulatory: The kidney regulates the volume, osmotic pressure and reaction of the
3-Endocrine: The kidney produces the following hormones.
a) Rennin- angiotensin system: It is produced by the juxtaglomerular apparatus
which is made of specialized cells on the smooth muscle cells located on the
afferent glomerular arteriole as it enters the glomerulus. These cells secrete rennin
which converts angiotensinogen in the blood to angiotensin I. Angiotensin II is
generated from angiotensin I by angiotensin converting enzyme. Angiotensin II is
both a vasoconstrictor and the most important stimulus for release of aldosterone.
b) Erythropoietin: is a glycoprotein produced mainly by the kidney and is one of the
major stimuli of erythropoiesis.
c) Prostaglandin: The kidney produces
vasodilator agent.
a) Vitamin D metabolism: Naturally occurring vitamin D requires hydroxylation in
the liver and again by the kidney to produce 1.25 dihydroxychole-calciferol. Loss
of this metabolic activity in diseased kidney results in renal osteodystrophy.
b) Protein and polypeptide hormones: The kidney is the major site for catabolism of
insulin, parathyroid hormone and calcitonin. In renal failure, the metabolic
clearance of these hormones is reduced.
Gross structure of the kidney:
The basic unit of kidney function is the nephron of which there are about
1,000,000 nephrons in each kidney. Urine formed in the tubular part of the nephron
collects in the renal pelvis and then flows through the ureter to the bladder for
subsequent elimination via the urethra (Figs 1 and 2).
Fig. 1: Diagrammatic represent the normal anatomical arrangement of urinary system
The glomerulus (about 200 µm in diameter) is formed by invagination of a tuft
of 50 anatomizing capillaries into the dilated blind end of the nephron (Bowman's
capsule). The capillaries are supplied by an afferent arteriole & drained by a slightly
smaller efferent arteriole. The glomerular membrane separates blood from the
glomerular filtrate in Bowman's capsule, that is composed of three layers: -
1- Endothelial layer of the capillary.
2- Basement membrane.
3- Layer of epithelial cells.
Fig. 2: Diagrammatic represent the normal histological structure of the nephron.
The permeability of the glomerular membrane is 100-500 times that of the usual
capillary. The endothelial cells lining the glomerulus have thousands of small holes
(fenestrae). Outside the endothelial cells is a basement membrane, composed of a
meshwork proteoglycan fibrillae, which has also large spaces through which fluid can
filter. A layer of epithelial cells lines the outer surface of the glomerulus. These cells
consist mainly of finger like projections that cover the basement membrane. These
fingers form slits called slit-pores through which the glomerular filtrate filters.
Functionally the glomerular membrane permits the passage of substances up to 4
nm in diameter & does not allow the passage of those with diameter greater than 8
The proximal convoluted tubules (PCT) is made of a single layer of cells which
show on their luminal edges brush border due to the presence of numerous microvilli.
The structure of the loop of Henle differs according to its location in the kidney.
Cortical nephrons have short loops of Henle with a thin descending limb & a
thick ascending limb. The cells lining the thick segment of the loop of Henle form a
larger lumen & lack of prominent brush borders. In contrast, juxtamedullary nephrons
have somewhat longer loops of Henle and thin segments on both sides of the loop.
The distal convoluted tubule (DCT) has a similar structure to the thick segment
of the loop of Henle. DCT from large number of different nephrons drain into a
common collecting duct & then via a papillary duct into the renal pelvis. The largest
collecting ducts empty through the renal pelvis through the tips of the renal papillae,
which protrude into the renal calyces. A kidney has about 250 large collecting ducts,
each of which transmits the urine from 4000 nephrons. The epithelial lining of the
collecting duct is composed of a layer of cuboidal cells, which gradually become
taller as the collecting tubule merges into capillary duct. Nephrons are arranged into
10-15 groups called maligning pyramids. The nephrons are all oriented so that the
Bowman's capsules with related proximal & distal tubules are situated in the outer
layers of the kidney cortex while the loops of Henle & Malpighian pyramids form the
medullary rays.
Fig 3: Diagrammatic representation of the blood supply to cortical and justamedullary
Diseases of the urinary system
Principles of renal insufficiency:
Disease of the kidneys, and in some instances of the ureters, bladder and
urethra, reduce the efficiency of the kidney's functions, disturbances in protein, acid-
base solute and water homeostasis and in excretion of the metabolic end-products will
It is noteworthy to mention that, diseases of the bladder and urethra are more
common and more important in farm animals than the diseases of the kidneys; but
some studies on renal insufficiency is necessary because many disease condition such
as pyelonephritis, embolic nephritis, amyloidosis and nephrosis, all may eventually
lead to renal insufficiency or renal failure.
Renal insufficiency:
It is defined as a degree or relative loss of renal function, but the animal can
survive its state. Meanwhile, renal failure is defined as complete loss of renal tissue
function and the animal can't survive or can't continue its existence.
Renal efficiency depends on the functional integrity of the individual nephrons.
Renal insufficiency can occur because of:
* Extrarenal causes - abnormalities in the rate of blood flow to the renal tissues.
* Intrinsic factors from the kidneys such as:
a) Abnormalities of the glomerular filtration rate.
b) Abnormalities of tubular reabsorption .
The first one (extrarenal) is depending upon the vasomotor and in animals is
affected only by emergencies such as in hemorrhage, shock and dehydration which
may lead to renal ischemia causing tubular necrosis with eventual development of
renal insufficiency.
Glomerular filtration and tubular reabsorption can be affected independently of
other such as in hemoglobinuric nephrosis, the glomeruler filtration is unaffected
while the tubular reabsorption is depressed. However, because of the common blood
supply to the glomerulus and tubule, damage to any part of the nephron is usually
followed by damage of the remaining part.
The development of renal dysfunction is depends on the degree of loss of renal
function. If the degree of loss, and there fore the degree of dysfunction is such that the
animal is not able to continue its existence, it is said to be a state of renal failure and
the clinical syndrome of uremia is manifested.
Pathophysiology of the renal insufficiency:
Damage to the glomerular epithelium destroys its selective permeability and
permits the passage of plasma proteins mainly albumin into the capsular fluid.
Complete cessation of the glomerular filtration may occur when there is an extensive
damage to the glomeruli, particularly if there is acute swelling of the kidneys, but in
many instances the anuria of the terminal stages of acute renal disease is caused by
back diffusion of all glomerular filtrate through the damaged tubular epithelium.
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