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Version Changes-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Balance Changes:
	Spectre Hood doesn't increase mana usage anymore.
	Made it slightly easier to advance in frostmoon waves.
	Made several frostmoon monsters shoot slower and do less damage.

Bug Fixes:
	Fixed bug with a naked arm drawing over some vanity shirts.
	Fixed bug where Autopause played bad with Chest renaming (and sign editing a bit).
	Fixed bug where Brick Layer and Cement Mixer were not reducing stack quantities when placing items.
	Fixed bug where prefixes were not getting set properly on a world load.
	Fixed bug where coins would disappear during Quick Stack. 
	Fixed an exploit where you could duplicate coins with Quick Stack.
	Fixed crashes when starting the dedicated server in a language other than English.
	Fixed an issue where Team Dyes were causing crashes when used with Capes.
	Fixed a bug where the map was drawing Fireblossom wrong.
	Fixed a bug where the map was showing Water Candle as Band of Regeneration.
	Fixed bug that was causing maps from older versions to erase. 
	Fixed a bug where Chests could not be placed on 2x1 tiles. There had to be a solid tile to the right of the chest to place it.
	Fixed several typos.
	Fixed bug where in-game options Map Control section wasn't blocking input like the regular controls.
	Fixed bug where Hardcore characters couldn't open the menu after death.
	Fixed bug where opening a chest with a sign open would lock the inventory.
	Fixed bug where stylist had a hole in her selling list if you didn't meet a requirement.
	Fixed bug where Magnet Sphere applied venom and Venom Staff did not.
	Fixed the problem with the familiar wig and missing hair.
	Added Butterfly Bottle recipes.
	Fixed non-animating critter cages.
	Due to layering issues, you can no longer show a shield and a cloak at the same time.
	Gemspark blocks now properly glow when dropped as items in the world.
	Fixed bug where hidden accessories still applied their dye color (wings still apply it if hidden but in the air).
	You can only equip one pair of wings at a time.
	Face accessories that shouldn't show hair no longer show hair.
	Fixed the Cthulhu typos in game.
	Hardmode bosses no longer spawn if another boss is alive.
	Hardmode bosses will no longer spawn if no player is above ground.
	Fixed an issue where placing a bucket on a mannequin would eat it whole
	Fixed workaround delay for placing things on mannequin starts using your items.
	The travelling merchant can no longer spawn in lava.
	Fixed problems with rescued NPCs not having any names.
	Fixed the recipe for Super Mana Potions. They now correctly create 15 Super Mana Potions.
	Fixed the Stylist name "Esmeralda" to not have a space at the end.
	Platinum coins now stack to 999.
	Fixed an issue where tiles might not update properly in multiplayer.
	Fixed torches being able to be placed on wrong sides of slopes (that leaves them in air).
	Fixed the problem with altars/pots/chests spawning in bugged conditions.
	Fixed a bug with ice bricks not blending with snow blocks.
	Fixed the Fairy Bell buff from breaking quick buff.
	Chests should no longer lose their names in multiplayer.
	Fixed bug where players would fall into tiles when walking into a ceiling with a mount.
	Fixed bug where Cogs could be overwritten by another item in the Steampunker's shop.
	Fixed bug where prefixes would be lost when you buy an item from the shop with right click.
	Fixed bug where long hairs would draw the front part in the player's feet when in reverse gravity.
	Fixed bug where palladium pickaxe and drill would say they can mine adamantium and titanium when that's no longer the case.
	Arcane Rune Walls now count for housing.
	Fixed bug that allowed mana hair to go pink when you armor that gives max mana.
	Fixed bug where capes did not show properly when mounted.
	Fixed issue where maps were not saving on some worlds.
	Fixed bug where Blue Moon and Harpoon had invisible hit boxes near the player.
	Fixed bug where frostburn wasn't applied in pvp when using flower of frost.
	Fixed bug that allowed levers to be placed and immediately broken.
	Fixed bug where queen/king statues didn't teleport stylist and travelling merchant respectively.
	Fixed bug where painted tiles did not draw on the map properly.
	Fixed bug where steampunk workbench was not craftable.
	Fixed bug where you could have Fairy Bell and other light pets up simultaneously.
	Fixed a few language issues pointed out on the forums.
	Fixed a bug where Extendo Grip let you open chests that would instantly close again.

Version 1.2.3 Changes---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Features and Mechanics:
	You can now name chests.
	Added ingame settings menu.
	There's now options for the ambient sound.
	Save and Exit is now in the settings menu.
	Added sliders for parallax & volume settings.
	Game now loads at saved resolution and even remembers if you use maximized window.
	Reforging cost is now 1/3 the value of an item, instead of 1/2 the value.
	You can now turn platforms into stairs using the hammer.
	Added infinite wiring support across the map.
	Updated Robe graphics.
	Updated Music Box graphics. Each music box now has a unique design.
	Music notes now come from music boxes.
	Update the graphics for Cobalt Shield, Obsidian Shield, and Paladin Shield.
	You can now place switches and levers on walls.
	Accessories now have an option to be visible and show on your character. This can be toggled off and on.
	You can now wear vanity wings.
	Wings can now be dyed. 
	Dyes are now stackable.
	Buckets are now stackable. 
	Ore now stacks to 999.
	You can now change cloths colors at a dresser.
	Added Ctrl + Z, X, C, and V (clear line, cut line, copy line, and paste into line respectively).
	Added Shift+Insert, Shift+Delete, Ctrl+Insert (paste, cut, and copy respectively).
	Added the ability to mine multiple tiles without resetting the hit count on every tile.
	Increased tile limit to 65536.
	Added cactus variations.
	Added biome specific stalactite variations.
	You can now place saplings on all grass types.
	Reduced the effect of campfire and heart lantern regeneration.
	Ancient Shadow armor drop rate was reduced slightly.
	Multicore Lighting added to options menu.
	There are now critter sounds.
	Added sounds for Waterfalls and Lavafalls.
	Birds are now more likely to spawn in mornings. Each type has several songs to sing.
	When you hover over text in the interface menu the text now turns yellow.
	Replaced Tree 9's graphic.
	Players have a longer respawn delay after a non pvp death with a boss alive in multiplayer.
	Dark tiles on the map no longer tell you what they are when moused over.
	Added upside down slopes.
	Upside down slopes spawn in new worlds.
	Using Mana Potions now puts a debuff on the player that lowers magic damage based on the amount of time left.
	Mana potions all have higher stacks.
	Spelunker no longer gives off light. This prevents ore from showing up on the map
	Spelunker now causes ore to be gold colored on the screen
	Hunter potion no longer gives off light. enemies will appear in red, friendly creatures appear in green.
	Slightly reduced the chance for rain.
	Pyramids are slightly more common.
	Waterleaf now only blooms in the rain.
	Life crystals no longer spawn in the dungeon.

New Items:
	Added several new paint colors: Brown, Shadow, and Negative paint. 
	Added Team Dye: Changes colors depending on team.
	Added Beetle Armor. There are two difference chest pieces, one for melee offense another for melee defense. 
	Added Beetle Husks to craft Beetle Armor - drops from Golem.
	Added Beetle Wings.
	Added Shroomite Digging Claw.
	Added Gemspark Blocks.
	Added Gemspark Block waterfalls.
	Added Womannequin.
	Added several new wallpapers to the Painter.
	You can now craft an animated steampunk tileset out of Cogs.
	Added several new weapons racks that can be made at a Sawmill. 
	All bosses now have a chance to drop a Boss Mask.
	Added Waterfall and Lavafall Walls. These are craftable by having a Crystal Ball and glass near a water or lava source. 
	The Merchant now sells a Bug Net. 
	You can now catch and release several critters using the Bug Net.
	You can now place critters in cages.
	Added Crimson seeds.
	Added 8 new crafting stations.
	Over 100 new furnitures were added to existing tilesets.
	Added Heavy Workbench.
	Added Copper Plating, Stone Slabs, and Sandstone Slabs. These are crafted at the Heavy Workbench.
	Added Venom Staff.
	Added Super Mana Potions.

New Npc:
	Added Stylist NPC (Congratulations Ripsand!) - Sells rare hair dye, changes hair style and color. (spawns in spider caves). She will also sell new hair styles! (Thanks Omnir)
	Added 20 new friendly critters.
	Added Traveling Merchant. He will randomly show up once you have at least 2 NPCS and stay for one day. His inventory will always be random and present things he has found during his time spent traveling. He has over 30 different things he can sell.

Hardmode Balance Changes:
	Drastically increased the drop chance of Keymolds. 
	Ice Golem now drops a Frozen core that is used with Hallowed Bars to craft Frost Armor.
	The Pickaxe Axe now requires 1 soul from each Mech boss to craft.
	The Drax requires a soul from each boss to craft.
	Plantera bulb's don't spawn until all 3 mech bosses are defeated.
	You cannot summon the Golem until after Plantera has been defeated.
	Mech bosses are now slightly more difficult.
	The Golem has had its life, defense, and damage increased slightly.
	The Golems attacks now penetrate walls.
	The Gol...
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