
(3 KB) Pobierz
(                                         )
(    UAE4All2 for Raspberry Pi    )
(                                         )
            o          __---__
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            /XXX(       U     )        XXXXXXX\
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             -XXXXXXXX---------------  XXXXXX-

built from lubomyr's uae4all2 android port.
vanfanel's dispmanx accelerated libsdl is included
for hardware scaling on the linux console.

1. unpack uae4all2

2. install needed library packages.
   at least you need to:
   "sudo aptitude install 
   libsdl1.2debian libsdl-image1.2 libsdl-ttf2.0-0
   libguichan-0.8.1-1 libguichan-sdl-0.8.1-1"

   dependend on your current raspbian setup there
   is good chance you need to install some more

3. next add "@pi - rtprio 90" to file
   this will allow to run the emu with higher realtime
   priority, so background programs can't introduce
   nasty stuttering.

4. put a kick13.rom/kick20.rom/kick31.rom into
   the "kickstarts" folder.

5. switch to linux console
   and "cd /somedir/uae4all2", 
   finally launch with "./amiga".

if it doesn't start up right away, you need to install
some more libs via "sudo aptitude install packagename".

on my pi model b with cpu running at 900mhz and a 
crt-tv at 50hz via composite out, the result is
supersmooth most of the time, wooohooo! :)

as this is the first version of uae4all2 for the pi,
here are some issues i found:
- mousemovement makes gui crashy, so use directional
  keys and tab.
- don't change drivespeed from 1x or sound will stutter
  while loading. 1x loads as fas as 8x here.
- custom config doesn't work for me, controls seems
  somewhat hardcoded at the moment to:

in gui:
- "esc" resets/loads a disk
- "ctrl" switches to game
- "directional keys/tab/enter" navigate gui

in game:
- "ctrl" switches back to gui
- "alt" toggles input (joystick/mouse/stylus?)
- "directional keys" for movement
- "home/end/pgup/pgdown" for fire-buttons etc.

soo, huge thanks to all devs involved! :)

Chui, john4p, TomB, notaz, Bernd Schneider,
Toni Wilen, Pickle, smoku, AnotherGuest,
Anonymous engineer, finkel, Lubomyr, pelya
Android port by Lubomyr
Raspberry Pi work by amiga1200gamer


development threads:

enjoy your shiny new amiga-on-a-pi! :)

amiga oldskool love!

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