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Team Wales


Craig Jones (C) High Elves

Prince on Barded Elven Steed: General, Dragon Armour, Shield, Giant Blade, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone, 285

Archmage on Elven Steed: lvl4, High, Crown of Command, 275

Noble on Barded Elven Steed: BSB, Dragon armour, Ogre blade, Enchanted shield, Luckstone, 170

Mage on Elven Steed, lvl 2, Death, Dispel Scroll 157

3 x 5 Ellyrion Reavers: Bows, 3 x 85

5 Silver Helms: Shields, 115

10 Silver Helms: Musician, Shields, 240

11 Dragon Princes of Caledor: FCG, Banner of the World Dragon, 399

Frostheart Pheonix: 240

3 x Reaper Bolt Thrower, 3 x 70

Great Eagle, 50

Total: 2396


Matt Yeo, Vampire Counts

Vampire Lord: General, lvl 4, Lore of Vampires, Aura of Dark Majesty, Quickblood, Heavy Armour, Shield, Ogre Blade, Talisman of Preservation, The Other Tricksters Shard, 489

Vampire: Battle Standard Bearer, lvl 2, Death, Obsidian Amulet, Scroll of Shielding, Charmed Shield, 215

Necromancer: lvl 2, Lore of Death, Dispel Scroll, 125

Tomb Banshee: 95

Tomb Banshee: 95

51 Skeleton Warriors: FCG, Banner of Swiftness, 300

4 x 5 Dire Wolves: 4 x 40

2 x 20 Zombies: standard, musician, 2 x 70

2 Fell Bats: 32

8 Crypt Horrors: 304

1 Mortis Engine: 220

1 Terrorgheist: 225

Total: 2400


Joel Smith, Daemons of Chaos

Herald of Tzeentch: General, lvl2, Metal, 125

Herald of Tzeentch: BSB, lvl2, Metal, 150

6 x 10 Pink Horrors Of Tzeentch: 6 x 130

3 x 5 Seekers Of Slaanesh: 3 x 100

3 x 1 Beast Of Nurgle: 3 x 60

3 x 5 Chaos Furies: 3 x 60

1 x 5 Flesh Hounds Of Khorne, Ambush: 165

2 x 3 Plague Drones Of Nurgle, Champion, Plague Proboscis: 2 x 190

1 Skull Cannon Of Khorne: 135

Total : 2395


Mike Pritchard, Orcs & Goblins

Black Orc Warboss: General, Heavy Armour, Great Weapon, Hand Weapon, Shield, Talisman of Preservation, Dragonhelm, Crown of Command, 253

Savage Orc Great Shaman: lvl 4, Big Waaagh, Lucky Shruken Head, Obsidian lodestone, 300

Savage Orc Big Boss: BSB, Great Weapon, Armour of Silvered Steel, 149

Night Goblin Shaman, lvl 2, Little Waaagh, Magic Mushrooms, Dispel scroll, Ruby Ring of Ruin, 135

Goblin Big Boss on Giant Wolf: Light Armour, Shield, Warrior bane, Dragonbane Gem, Potion of Foolhardiness, 66

Goblin Big Boss on Giant Wolf: Light Armour, Shield, Shrieking Blade, 61

Goblin Big Boss on Giant Wolf: Light Armour, Spear , Charmed Shield, 56

35 Savage Orcs: FCG, Big Uns, Additional Hand Weapons, 420

20 Night Goblins: Musician, Short Bows, 2 Fanatics, 120

20 Night Goblins: Musician, Short Bows, 1 Fanatics, 95

11 Trolls: 385

2 x Doom Diver 2 x 80

2 x Rock Lobber 2 x 85

2 x Mangler squig 2 x 65

Total : 2500




Gareth Stoneham, Warriors of Chaos

Sorceror Lord on Disc of Tzeentch: lvl4, Tzeentch, Mark of Tzeentch, Chaos Familiar, Chaos Armour, Talisman of Preservation, Charmed Shield, 390

Exalted Hero on Barded Daemonic Mount: BSB, Mark of Tzeentch, Scaled Skin, Chaos Armour, Great Weapon, Armour of Destiny, 271

Exalted Hero on Barded Daemonic Mount: General, Mark of Tzeentch, Third Eye of Tzeentch, Poisonous Slime, Chaos Armour, Shield, Talisman of Endurance, Sword of Might, 248

5 Chaos Warhounds: Vanguard, 40

Chaos Chariot, Mark of Slaanesh, 115

2 x 5 Marauder Horsemen, Mark of Slaanesh, 2 x 75

16 Chaos Warriors: FCG, Mark of Tzeentch, Shields, Blasted Standard, 327

2 x Gorebeast Chariot, Mark of Slaanesh, 2 x 135

4 Skullcrushers of Khorne, Musician, Standard, Ensorcelled Hand Weapons, Razor Banner, 377

Hellcannon, 210

Total: 2398


Matt Sewell, Skaven

Grey Seer: General, lvl4, Ruin and Plague, D3 Warpstone Tokens, Dispel Scroll, Tailsman of Endurance, Fencers Blades: 330             

Warlord: Heavy Armour, Shield, Fellblade: 193

Assassin: Two Hand Weapons, Throwing Stars, Weeping Blades, Potion of Strength: 170              Chieftain: BSB, Heavy armour, Halberd, Stormbanner: 122             

Warlock Engineer: Obsidian Lodestone: 60             

Warlock Engineer: Brass Orb: 65             

Warlock Engineer: lvl 2, Ruin, Featherfoe Torc, Scroll of shielding: 150

47 StormVermin: FCG, Razor Standard: 399             

23 Skaven Slaves: Pawleader, Musican: 52

3 x 30 Skaven Slaves: Pawleader, Musican: 3 x 66             

2 x 5 Gutter Runners: Posion, Slings: 2 x 90             

2 x 1 Doom Wheel: 2 x 150             

2 x 1 Warp Lighting Cannon: 2 x 90             

Total: 2399



Stephen Follows, Bretonnians

Bretonnian Lord on Royal Pegasus: General, Virtue of Heroism, Heavy Armour, Shield, Sword of Swift Slaying, Dragonhelm, Dawn Stone, 263

Prophetess of the Lady on Bretonnian Warhorse: lvl 4, Heavens, Silver Mirror, Falconhorn of Fredemund, 325

Paladin on Barded Bretonnian Warhorse: BSB, Heavy Armour, Lance, Morning Star, Gromril Greathelm, 112

Paladin on Royal Pegasus: Heavy Armour, Lance, Charmed Shield, 119

Paladin on Royal Pegasus: Heavy Armour, Lance, Shield, Dragonbane Gem, 121

Paladin on Barded Bretonnian Warhorse: Virtue of the Impetuous Knight, Heavy Armour, Lance, Morning Star, Enchanted Shield, 125

Damsel of the Lady on Bretonnian Warhorse: lvl 1, beasts, Dispel Scroll, 105

12 Knights of the Realm: FCG, Standard of Discipline, 327

11 Knights of the Realm: FCG, Banner of Eternal Flame, 298

3 x 3 Pegasus Knights: Gallant, Musician, 3 x 175

2 x Trebuchet: 2 x 90

Total: 2500


Chris Mince, Dark Elves

Dreadlord on Dark Pegasus: General, Heavy Armour, Lance, Shield, Sea Dragon Cloak, Cloak of Twilight, Dragonhelm, Dawnstone, 299

Supreme Sorceress: lvl4, Death, Ring of Hotek, Dispel Scroll, Ironcurse Icon, 300

Master on Dark Pegasus: BSB, Heavy Armour, Lance, Sea Dragon Cloak, Charmed Shield, Talisman of Preservation, 211

Master on Dark Pegasus: Lance, Repeater Crossbow, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Armour of Destiny, 189

Master on Dark Pegasus: Heavy Armour, Repeater Crossbow, Sea Dragon Cloak, Shield, Sword of Might, Opal Amulet, The Other Trickster's Shard, 187

15 Darkshards: musician, standard, Banner of Eternal Flame 210

14 Darkshards: musician 178

5 Dark Riders: shields, repeater crossbows 100

2 x 5 Dark Riders: shields 2 x 85

4 x Reaper Bolt Thrower 4 x 70

6 Doomfire Warlocks 150

5 Doomfire Warlocks 125

Total : 2399

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