PW 2009 10.pdf

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October 2009 £3.50 ISSN 0141-0857
Alinco DJ-G7E Tri-band
Mega Electronics
Mega Electronics
PCB Hobby Kit
PCB Hobby Kit
Hand-held Receiver
Amateur Radio at School
Telecom 64-HK Dual-Band
Telecom 64-HK Dual-Band
VHF Linear
VHF Linear
Technical for the Terrified
R 37
O en forg en items!
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Practical Wireless October 2009
Volume 85. Number 10. Issue 1229. On sale 10 September 2009
Amateur Radio In Schools Part 2
Rob G3XFD discusses domestic
disagreements that created thoughts on
wires and wireless mayhem!
In the second and fi nal article, Tom Read
M1EYP describes how Amateur Radio
was successfully introduced to his school.
Radio Waves – Reader’s Letters
What Next?
Your chance to air your views and discuss
topics of interest.
This month Colin Redwood G6MXL
provides ‘fi rst step’ information in his
regular series and takes a practical look at
i.f. fi lters.
See what’s happening and what’s of
interest in the world of Amateur Radio.
David Butler G4ASR has reports of
exceptional Sporadic-E openings on the
50, 70 and 144MHz bands.
Find out the details of the next radio rally
that you may like to attend.
Club News
Reviewed – Alinco DJ-G7E
Four pages of information about clubs in
your area and their meetings for October.
Colin Redwood G6MXL pauses from
preparing What Next? and the PW QRP
Contests to evaluate an amazing new
Alinco hand-held rig.
In Vision
Graham Hankins G8EMX reports on the
BATC’s 60th birthday ‘bash’ and admits to
forgetting his cake!
Technical For The Terrifi ed
Tony Nailer G4CFY now looks at
often forgotten items, as he discusses
the purpose and choice of passive
In The Shop
Harry Leeming G3LLL ’s friend has a faulty
FT-480 and Harry advises us how we can
avoid damaging equipment.
Reviewed – Telecom 64-HK 50–70MHz
Dual-Band Linear Amplifi er
HF Highlights
Our v.h.f. specialist author David Butler
G4ASR tries out a new dual-band
50–70MHz linear amplifi er.
This month Carl Mason GW0VSW has
some (probably good!) news about the
next solar cycle!
Reviewed – Mega Electronics PCB
Traders’ Tables
Hobby Kit
Classifi ed Adverts
Phil Chiotti G3XBZ is a keen constructor
and tries out a useful and innovative
p.c.b. production kit.
Bargain Basement
PW Publishing Bookstore
Carrying on The Practical Way
Topical Talk
This month the Rev. Gorge Dobbs G3RJV
looks at a favourite classic – the Colpitt’s
type regenerative receiver, after the
Rob Mannion G3XFD discusses the
formation of new clubs and radio
frequency attenuation through modern
window glass.
Copyright © PW PUBLISHING LTD. 2009. Copyright in all drawings, logos, photographs and articles published in Practical Wireless is fully protected and reproduction in whole or part is
expressly forbidden. All reasonable precautions are taken by Practical Wireless to ensure that the advice and data given to our readers are reliable. We cannot however guarantee it and we
cannot accept legal responsibility for it. Prices are those current as we go to press.
Published on the second Thursday of each month by PW Publishing Ltd., Arrowsmith Court, Station Approach, Broadstone, Dorset BH18 8PW. Tel: 0845 803 1979. Printed in England
by Holbrooks Printers Ltd., Portsmouth P03 5HX. Distributed by Seymour, 2 East Poultry Avenue, London EC1A 9PT, Tel: 020 7429 400, Web: Sole Agents for
Australia and New Zealand - Gordon and Gotch (Asia) Ltd.; South Africa - Central News Agency. Subscriptions INLAND £38, EUROPE £47, REST OF WORLD £57, payable to PRACTICAL
WIRELESS, Subscription Department. PW Publishing Ltd., Arrowsmith Court, Station Approach, Broadstone, Dorset BH18 8PW. Tel: 0845 803 1979. PRACTICAL WIRELESS is sold subject
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Practical Wireless, October 2009
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