PW 2009 08.pdf

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August 2009 £3.50 ISSN 0141-0857
The G-Whip Backpacker
The G-Whip Backpacker
Portable HF Antenna System Reviewed
Portable HF Antenna System Reviewed
In Focus
The Lincoln Short Wave Club
The Lincoln Short Wave Club
The G5UM Receiver Revisited
Valve & Vintage
Valve & Vintage
The Eddystone S640 Receiver and
The Eddystone S640 Receiver and
restoring an HRO NC-100
restoring an HRO NC-100
HF Highlights including
HF Highlights including
Bob G0YYY and Tom G0HUT!
Bob G0YYY and Tom G0HUT!
R 28
Transistor Tester Project
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Practical Wireless August 2009
Volume 85. Number 8. Issue 1227. On sale 9 July 2009
The G5UM Receiver Revisited
Rob G3XFD reveals some sad news and talks
about his hectic weekend operating on the
PW v.h.f. contests.
Gerald Stancey G3MCK takes another look at
a receiver design by Jack – ‘Uncle Mike’ Hum
G5UM – that became a classic.
Radio Waves – Readers’ Letters
50 What Next?
Your chance to air your views and discuss
topics of interest.
Colin Redwood G6MXL takes a look at
the various factors that can effect antenna
performance and make or break them!
10 News
See what’s happening and what’s of interest
in the world of Amateur Radio.
56 VHF DXer
David Butler G4ASR has reports of numerous
DX contacts being made on the 50, 70 and
144MHz bands.
14 Rallies
Find out the details of the next radio rally that
you would like to attend.
In The Shop
Harry Leeming G3LLL discusses tuning up
a typical 100W valved power amplifi er stage
and travels down memory lane.
18 Reviewed – G-Whip Backpacker Portable HF
Antenna System
Chris Lorek G4HCL has been busy enjoying
evaluating another new product from G-Whip
– just in time for summer portable work!
64 HF Highlights
Carl Mason GW0VSW brings you news
of Mills On The Air weekend, a new Prefi x
Award, and details some of your logs.
Technical For The Terrifi ed
Tony Nailer G4CFY revisits some practical
band-pass fi lter confi gurations
68 Club News
Three pages of times, places and details of
clubs that meet in your area.
30 PW TrIdent
Gary Morton M1GRY had lots of unmarked
transistors to sort out – here’s his solution
– the PW TrIdent!
71 In Vision
Graham Hankins G8EMX brings news of a
new repeater location, before airing some of
the points arising from with the switchover to
digital TV.
Carrying on The Practical Way
The Rev. George Dobbs G3RJV refl ects on
the impact of retirement and some practical
applications – after the appropriate quotation!
72 Traders’ tables
74 Classifi ed Advert
75 Bargain Basement
76 PW Publishing Bookstore
80 Subscriptions
In Focus – The Lincoln Short Wave Club
Chris Jones G0PIO , the Lincoln Club
historian, shares a few snippets and issues an
invitation to readers to join them!
81 Topical Talk
43 Valve And Vintage
Rob Mannion G3XFD comments on
readers’ letters suggesting different ideas to
make the disposal of stolen equipment more
diffi cult.
This month Ben Nock G4BXD looks at a
well known Eddystone receiver, and starts
restoring an HRO NC-100.
Copyright © PW PUBLISHING LTD. 2009. Copyright in all drawings, logos, photographs and articles published in Practical Wireless is fully protected and reproduction in whole or part is
expressly forbidden. All reasonable precautions are taken by Practical Wireless to ensure that the advice and data given to our readers are reliable. We cannot however guarantee it and we
cannot accept legal responsibility for it. Prices are those current as we go to press.
Published on the second Thursday of each month by PW Publishing Ltd., Arrowsmith Court, Station Approach, Broadstone, Dorset BH18 8PW. Tel: 0845 803 1979. Printed in England
by Holbrooks Printers Ltd., Portsmouth P03 5HX. Distributed by Seymour, 2 East Poultry Avenue, London EC1A 9PT, Tel: 020 7429 400, Web: Sole Agents for
Australia and New Zealand - Gordon and Gotch (Asia) Ltd.; South Africa - Central News Agency. Subscriptions INLAND £38, EUROPE £47, REST OF WORLD £57, payable to PRACTICAL
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Practical Wireless, August 2009
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