Fighting Fantasy - Choose your own MF Fest - Super Giant Monster Time # Jeff Burk.pdf

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“Sir, we need an answer.”
You give no indication that you heard the question. The
large overstuffed chair is fi t for a commander-in-chief but, in
situations like this, the comfort feels wasted. All the posh is
supposed to make your job easier but too much stress weighs
on you to enjoy.
You spin around in your chair. Your Secretaries of State,
Defense, and Homeland Security stare eagerly at you, awaiting
your wisdom and guidance. From their bloodshot eyes,
greasy faces, and general stink, it appears they all had
sleepless nights as well.
Across your desk are several high-resolution images taken
by the Andromeda Satellite. They depict around two-hundred
thousand pie tin shaped fl ying saucers on a direct course to
Earth. The ships fl ew in triangular formations of fi fty. No
attempt at communication with the fl eet has been responded
to, so offi cially, no one knows the ships’ intentions but you
understood what you are looking at – an armada. An invasion.
Only a select few World governments with advanced
space technology or spy networks are aware of this
information. At the speed the ships are approaching, the
whole world will know soon enough.
“Any responses so far?”
“None yet.”
This is it – time to make the hard decisions. You lean
back in your throne and look your advisors one by one in
the eyes.
“Complex 23,” you say.
The Secretary of State clears his throat and stumbles over
his words, “on-n high alert and ready to act on your order.”
The silence crackles with fear but you think clearly. You
know what must be done.
“When will they be here?” you ask.
“The ships will reach Earth by ten-thirty hours,” the
Secretary of Defense says.
“What time is it now?”
“It’s – ”
Books by Jeff Burk
Super Giant Monster Time!
Cripple Wolf (with Cameron Pierce)
Bring Me the Head of Bruce Campbell
The Slaughterhouse Thrills
Sex and Death Camp
Hipster Hunter
Chrissy Must Die!
by Jeff Burk
Illustrated by Chrissy Horchheimer
Eraserhead Press
Portland, OR
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