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First published online 16.03.09
Teacher’s Notes
Type of school:
Type of activity:
individual work aiming at
recognition and naming of the actions learnt,
TPR exercises
Hygiene vocabulary:
wash your hands,
wash your face, brush your teeth, wash your
ears, put on your pyjamas, go to bed.
face, hair, eyes, mouth, nose, bed, bathroom.
Receptive language:
Good night!
Level/Age group:
4 year-olds
around 20 minutes
by Hanna Domańska
Ask children to sit in a circle and to tell you
what they usually do before going to bed.
Elicit the actions and put the corresponding
flashcards on the floor. Mime the action. Ask
the children to repeat the name of it.
Introduce a new phrase:
Good night!
Distribute Worksheet 1. Pointing to each
person in the picture, elicit from the pupils
the name of the activity. Explain the children
that their task is to find the differences
between the pictures on the right and on the
After the children spot all the differences,
allow them to colour the worksheet.
Prepare flashcards or pictures
– of the following actions: wash your hands,
wash your face, brush your teeth, put on your
pyjamas, go to bed.
– face parts (face, hair, eyes, mouth, ears,
– cards or sheets of paper in various colours.
Follow up/Extension
Tell the children that they are going to play
Simpson Says.
Remind them that they follow the
instructions only when it is preceded by the
‘Simpson Says’.
Use today’s vocabulary: wash your hands, wash
your face, brush your teeth, put on your pyjamas,
go to bed.
Photocopy Worksheet 1 – one per pupil.
1. Distribute flashcards with face parts (face,
hair, eyes, mouth, ears, nose) among children.
Put the colourful cards on the floor. As a
revision, ask children to put a given face part
on one of the colours:
The nose is red. The
ears are yellow.
The children are supposed to
put the picture of a given face part on one of
the cards according to your instructions. Then
shuffle the flashcards and distribute them
among those children who are waiting for
their turn.
Macmillan Polska 2009
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