CZAR CYGANERII_1937 [txt_ANG].txt

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{540}{724}The Charm Of The Boheme
{3411}{3477}Yes? Who is it?
{3489}{3562}The postman.|The mail is in the mailbox.
{3633}{3696}André, the mail has arrived!
{3853}{3918}René, the mail has arrived!
{4143}{4214}Pardon, mademoiselle,|how did you get into my bed?
{4232}{4284}Stop flirting and get the mail.
{4295}{4372}Why me? Aristide|is closer to the door.
{4390}{4468}What I don't know won't hurt me.
{4484}{4560}What I don't read won't make me angry.
{4596}{4642}Why the mail, then?
{4648}{4708}But one of us must bring the mail in.
{4771}{4828}Prometheus, the mail!
{4955}{5021}Ugh! Lazybones.
{5050}{5112}Let's decide by drawing lots.
{5185}{5273}One... two... three!
{5444}{5493}Sssh... quiet.
{5630}{5715}Prometheus, just one moment.
{6049}{6151}Hurray, the mail has arrived!
{6700}{6802}Monsieur Pierre Casale,|composer of popular songs.
{6906}{6959}Esteemed artist,
{6970}{7108}if the last eight instalments for the|piano won't be paid within three days...
{7112}{7180}'Within' letters? Wastepaper basket.
{7295}{7350}Monsieur André Dupré,
{7358}{7387}painter of animals.
{7391}{7420}Speak up!
{7426}{7497}On your kind enquiry we inform you
{7503}{7590}that so far there has been no|interested party
{7598}{7690}for your animal portraits|that are exhibited in our place.
{7698}{7743}Idiot. Wastepaper basket.
{7838}{7908}Monsieur René Lambertain,|opera singer.
{7961}{8008}We kindly inform you
{8015}{8077}that an audition at our opera house
{8081}{8141}will not be possible at the moment|and in the foreseeable future.
{8148}{8197}General music director|Professor Delumat.
{8206}{8294}Delumat, Delumat!|If I hear that name! Wastepaper basket!
{8300}{8356}Are you all feeling better now?
{8391}{8439}It's a shame with art!
{8449}{8511}My music gets mouldy|in the writing-desk drawer,
{8515}{8584}and I can only guess how|to pay the piano installments.
{8591}{8668}If I had become an animal trader|instead of an animal painter,
{8674}{8739}I would perhaps already have|my own menagerie today.
{8752}{8837}But as it is, I have nothing apart from|a wolfish hunger. Where's the breakfast?
{8845}{8892}Today is a day without breakfast.
{8899}{8948}Already the third time this week!
{8952}{9058}So if we are born again let's not|be great, heaven-assailing artists,
{9063}{9124}but humble little millionaires.
{9132}{9168}Small-minded miser!
{9177}{9240}And artist must only|be born as an artist.
{9249}{9332}Every truly powerful spirit|will be heard sooner or later,
{9338}{9418}and I'll be born as often as|necessary to be heard!
{9427}{9478}- Quite right.|- There's another letter!
{9505}{9574}- Aristide, for you.|- Wastepaper basket.
{9584}{9634}Stupid ass, you haven't even read it!
{9638}{9726}- What should be in there?|- We shall see right now.
{9849}{9892}Boys, there's money in it!
{9896}{9997}One... two... three... four...|five hundred francs!
{10002}{10087}- We are millionaires!|- It can't be true, show me!
{10113}{10204}Yes, it's true. So read it,|slowly and distinctly!
{10210}{10276}"We've been able|to place your treatise
{10280}{10381}about the influence of the stars|on the character of human beings
{10386}{10443}on very favourable terms.
{10450}{10539}As an advance we send you|five hundred francs."
{10545}{10620}- That's only the advance?|- Oh, shut up!
{10624}{10672}I'm terribly excited, read on!
{10680}{10770}"Your essay will be published|in 160 instalments..."
{10776}{10843}160! Ah, that publisher is a genius!
{10849}{10981}"... in the scientific section of the|weekly magazine for the advancement
{10989}{11076}of a new... artificial butter."
{11102}{11169}- Artificial butter!|- That money will be returned!
{11174}{11232}It seems you have|artificial butter in your brain!
{11234}{11278}I'll carry back the money even today!
{11280}{11344}Then we'll carry you, even today,|to the insane asylum!
{11353}{11459}No, I won't be made into a prostitute.|My science is sacred to me!
{11464}{11568}And to me five hundred francs|are sacred! I'll slap you, fool!
{11592}{11644}Please, no beating yet!
{11650}{11736}My dear! Observer of the stars!
{11743}{11818}What is science?|The poet says:
{11825}{11975}"For one man, she's a heavenly goddess,|for another man she's a proficient cow."
{11994}{12038}Who supplies him with butter.
{12042}{12112}- But not with artificial butter!|- Butter is butter!
{12120}{12168}Gentlemen, be quiet!|Let's vote.
{12178}{12245}Shall we give back the money,|yes or no?
{12262}{12332}One... two... three.
{12341}{12449}No, no, no!
{12457}{12496}Threeanimously rejected!
{12506}{12647}Shall we invest it in a bacchanal|with music and beautiful women?
{12660}{12767}Yes, yes, yes!
{14154}{14188}Thank you!
{14640}{14698}What's the matter with Henri?
{14738}{14807}Just leave him alone.|He's unhappily in love.
{14834}{14878}Look, he's so sad.
{14904}{14965}- Come, let's comfort him.|- Yes, let's go.
{15046}{15111}Am I interrupting?|Let me have the wire commode.
{15126}{15167}Take this, please.
{15288}{15373}Darling, I've got my hands full.|Come, eat.
{15555}{15650}Everywhere love dwells,
{15656}{15755}everywhere you feel love,
{15767}{15982}everything in the world|revolves around love.
{16004}{16115}Always for a couple spring comes,
{16129}{16269}because when you're in love,|it is spring.
{16281}{16532}But May comes and goes.
{16612}{16813}Don't cry, oh, don't cry
{16837}{17007}if a beautiful woman|breaks your heart.
{17024}{17242}Forget, and|don't cry, oh, don't cry,
{17294}{17461}because another one|will heal your pain.
{17506}{17631}Even if you tell yourself|a thousand times
{17639}{17769}that no-one can kiss quite like her,
{17822}{17936}there are so many beautiful women
{17944}{18096}who kiss just as well as her.
{18111}{18259}And so: laugh with me,
{18270}{18426}be glad and laugh with me,
{18452}{18580}and take from this world|whatever you desire!
{18737}{18888}Don't cry, oh, don't cry,
{18897}{19043}if a beautiful woman breaks your heart.
{19052}{19146}Forget, and don't cry,
{19153}{19249}oh, don't cry,
{19263}{19417}because another one|will heal your pain.
{19445}{19574}Even if you tell yourself|a thousand times
{19583}{19690}that no-one can kiss quite like her,
{19700}{19814}there are so many beautiful women
{19829}{19957}who kiss just as well as her.
{19991}{20098}And so: laugh with me,
{20122}{20240}be glad and laugh with me,
{20277}{20483}and take from this world|whatever you desire!
{20635}{20681}Please hurry up, Denise!
{20691}{20766}Yes, I'm just preparing|the meal for father.
{20774}{20847}Well, you're preparing, and in the|meantime the others eat up everything.
{20854}{20946}Say, Lolotte, who are these people|that you're taking me to?
{20953}{21019}Dear, funny people,|real artists.
{21025}{21117}Four friends, and one of them is|my boyfriend, the animal painter.
{21140}{21232}Denise, perhaps today you'll meet|someone with whom you'll fall in love.
{21279}{21362}Why not? Happiness has its moods!
{21418}{21493}I think I'll never be|happy in my life.
{21499}{21578}I mean, completely happy.
{21606}{21656}But come, open the door for me.
{21727}{21791}- Here's your meal!|- Thank you, my child.
{21842}{21894}Let me have a look at you!
{21907}{21956}You look elegant!
{21966}{22029}Not at all like the daughter|of a poor opera cellist.
{22044}{22121}- She composed the dress herself!|- I know.
{22126}{22194}Are you very angry at me, father,|that I'll leave you alone?
{22198}{22283}My child, I'm happy if|you have a little fun.
{22292}{22342}Otherwise you have|nothing of your youth.
{22350}{22389}Amuse yourself!
{22397}{22488}And when I come home|I'll take care not to wake you up.
{22496}{22579}And now come, Lolotte.|Oh yes, my coat.
{22604}{22650}- Goodbye, dad!|- Goodbye, my child.
{22657}{22696}Goodbye, Herr Vernier.
{22708}{22756}You must take care of her,
{22760}{22816}so that she won't dance too much|and won't get exhausted.
{22819}{22854}You can rely on me.
{22858}{22930}Only today I've spoken|to the doctor again.
{22939}{23010}We must take good care of the girl,|you know why.
{23019}{23055}Well, see you.
{23089}{23144}What was it that Father|wanted from you?
{23147}{23212}Oh, nothing. He only wanted|to know where we're going.
{23219}{23281}I promised him to take care of you.
{23298}{23361}Well, then I prefer to|take care of me myself.
{23368}{23397}Frau Barbuche!
{23517}{23577}Be so kind and|look in on my father.
{23584}{23627}With pleasure. Goodbye.
{23932}{23981}Such a scandal!
{24011}{24069}Not even on the roof|you can get some peace and quiet!
{24078}{24121}Get out! Get down!
{24516}{24548}It's pretty high up!
{24552}{24611}We've already reached it.|Do you hear the noise?
{24621}{24717}Attention! Don't step on this one!|It's the alarm step.
{24726}{24756}Alarm step?
{24762}{24845}A precaution against|unwelcome visitors.
{24856}{24928}You see this wire?|It goes into the atelier.
{24936}{25042}If a creditor or the bailiff|steps on it, a bell goes off inside.
{25182}{25254}Know what? Let's scare them.|Step on it!
{25654}{25706}It isn't the bailiff!
{25710}{25742}It's Lolotte!
{25903}{25963}This is André, of whom|I've already told you so much.
{25968}{26018}Very pleased to meet you,|please come in!
{26482}{26522}René Lambertain.
{26528}{26580}Pierre Casale. May I help you?
{26585}{26666}- May I take you over to the buffet?|- Of course you may.
{26690}{26747}Well, here's our abundant buffet!
{26754}{26821}Yes, here's ham, sausages, bread|and egg pancakes.
{26826}{26862}Everything the heart desires!
{26867}{26927}This here is excellent,|perhaps the best.
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