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A Concise Treatise on the Underlying Principles of a Root Theory System
An Introduction to the A.A.O.
The Schema of Distillation
Gate One
Circle Zero
Circle One
Circle Two
Circle Three
Circle Four
Gates Two - Four
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The A.A.O. is an occult think-tank working towards a common perspective- that a
common thread can be found throughout the various occult traditions. A heavy emphasis
is placed on charting and distilling these commonalities. They formed as an answer to how
various paradigms connect. The name has no set meaning, although the original latin was
Absconditus Apostasia Orbis (the concealed circle of apostates), and is often said to stand
for Another Arbitrary Order. The A.A.O. has published one book, Liber Sigillum in 2011,
and it has been said that a second, Liber Aduro is to follow. The goal of the A.A.O. is to
create a complete system of occult attainment by researching multiple occult fields and
The charting is done primarily through the exploration of the Root System Theory, or
RST,which is a view held that a set of shared esoteric commonalities exists within the
historical systems of magic, spiritual practices, religions, and belief. The intention of the
system is a set of “root techniques” for self-development which can be distilled from their
original uses and then used alone, outside of historical context.
These techniques are derived through a logical tool used to arrive at any truth of any
given scenario by means of mapping out the commonalities inherent, and then
categorizing them accordingly. If the explaination fits the data, then it should be
considered a real explaination until a better one is found. This system is intended to
overcome typical magical categorization by taking a NON (Neither Over Neither)
A progression of circles is employed to help the magician seeking the improvement of the
self. One of the primary uses for the gates and circles method is to detail and chart out
specific practices which one might focus on and dedicate oneself to, using all data
presented by historical record as well as modern. The circles are not stages, levels, or
chapters; but are gradual points of integration that are maintained. These circles work to
create a solid foundation and lead the magician towards mastery of the basic elements.
While a group element is present, the majority of the work is done on an individual basis,
with participants checking in as desired with progress updates.
The Schema of Distillation is a representation of the goals of The Root System Theory.
The process cannot be begun without circle zero, the seed the foundation springs from.
The fool begins his journey in pursuit of the mountain, and thusly the schema is the
representation of the mountain to be climbed in order to achieve the peak. At the peak
is the personal Great Work that is the guiding beacon for the magician. The peak is
known only to the magician; once the fool reaches it, it vanishes as if there was never a
mountain to begin with.
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