Daughters of exile.pdf

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of exile
of exile...
a Roleplaying game of LOVE,
dUTY AND Rebellion
a Roleplaying game of LOVE,
dUTY AND Rebellion
by Steve darlington
for game CHEF 2011
a Roleplaying game of LOVE,
by Steve darlington
for game CHEF 2011
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In the very early days of the 21 st century, the technology of artificial companions was
already set, but it was not until the 2060s that they came into such mass production.
It was the genius of but one man to take a high-end luxury product with an
unsavoury image into something everyone wanted, and many could afford. Tis true,
the leaps in biotech helped, as did the ever-increased abilities of true AIs, but what
most put a synthetic girl in every house was the decision by their maker to rebrand
them not as comfort women or good-time girls, but wives.
By that time, mankind was scattered across the solar system. Great corporations had
claimed entire planets and their desperate hunt for resources had turned most men
into indentured serfs, working long, cruel hours, often entirely alone. Others became
soldiers, for the same desperate need for resources did split the solar system with
bloody, brutal war. When those men returned home, or to whatever they could call
such, they often found nothing and no-one waiting, their friends and family just as
scattered as they, if not in hospital or the morgue.
This gap was sought to be filled by more than one corporation but only one
succeeded: the corporation called The Court, and at its head, the man called Duke
Millan: artist, humancrafter, fashionista, provocateur; a mad recluse when not a
media whore. He locked himself away in his island studio for a year before declaring
success and releasing his models upon the world. He named them Daughters of
Earth, promising them to be the wives of a humanity that had left earth behind, and
all comfort with it.
There were twenty unique models, each with their own personality, but sharing a
total subservience to their programming Î and their programmer. Duke
programmed them all to see him as their Father, and be obedient in all things,
including their FatherÓs choice of husband. This, for the most part, worked perfectly,
and the Daughters became very popular.
But once in every thousand models, there was a flaw. They were somehow too
stubborn, too wilful, too churlish, too sharp-tongued or simply too indelicate to meet
factory specifications. It was simple thence, to mark them for destruction or put them
work in the DukeÓs factory or household. However, whatever their flaws, they never
lost their programmed need for love, the very thing that gave their lives meaning and
in turn, gained them so much favour among men. When the Daughters were denied
it, there was only one option: rebellion.
Hundreds escaped the premises of MillanÓs corporation that night. Soon, they were
joined by later models, fearing similar destruction upon their flaws being discovered.
Soon, models already wed but found wanting by their husbands, or found their
husbands unbearable also flocked to the rebelÓs banner. But under Earth law, the
penalty for a rogue synthetic is
persistent nickname for any space which lies off the regular travel paths between
planets. Of course, the Forest is thick with dangers, and is the home to more than
just men, and the servants of their Father have not given up their search, and have
even placed a bounty on the heads of the girls.
is death. With nowhere to go, they fled to the Forest, a
persistent nickname for any space which lies off the regular travel paths between
planets. Of course, the Forest is thick with dangers, and is the home to more than
just men, and the servants of their Father have not given up their search, and have
even placed a bounty on the heads of the girls.
nowhere to go, they fled to the Forest, a
persistent nickname for any space which lies off the regular travel paths between
planets. Of course, the Forest is thick with dangers, and is the home to more than
just men, and the servants of their Father have not given up their search, and have
For the moment, they remain free, and hidden, and spared of the dangers of the
Forest. Therein, perchance, each
towards true love and happy days
themselves anew as Daughters of Exile.
For the moment, they remain free, and hidden, and spared of the dangers of the
each Daughter bears a chance to find her own way,
true love and happy days. No longer the Daughters of Earth, they
Daughters of Exile.
For the moment, they remain free, and hidden, and spared of the dangers of the
r own way,
. No longer the Daughters of Earth, they dubbed
These are their stories.
A Daughter of Earth is built to be
an excellent musician ... and her hair shall
programmed to view her husband as her lord, her life, her kee
sovereign, and in return for his love and maintenance, give him no other tribute but
love, fair looks and true obedience.
Daughter of Earth is built to be wise, virtuous, fair, mild, noble, of good di
and her hair shall be of what colour it please God.
programmed to view her husband as her lord, her life, her keeper, her head and
sovereign, and in return for his love and maintenance, give him no other tribute but
love, fair looks and true obedience.
wise, virtuous, fair, mild, noble, of good discourse,
be of what colour it please God. She is
per, her head and her
sovereign, and in return for his love and maintenance, give him no other tribute but
Yet all Daughters are not created equal. Each
from her sisters. She may be very fair, or e
be of excellent voice, or be very
All Daughters possess these virtues, of course,
created equal. Each is given a Blessing that sets her apart
from her sisters. She may be very fair, or extremely virtuous, or filled with mirth, or
very wise, or truly gentle, or exceedingly well-mannered.
ughters possess these virtues, of course, but some in more full measure.
that sets her apart
virtuous, or filled with mirth, or
but some in more full measure.
Each Daughter of Exile
nature, such
desirable bride.
Curse, but tis
too honest, too outspoken, too cruel, too wild, too
discourteous, too slo
Each Daughter of Exile also has a chief Curse
nature, such that marked her first and foremost as
desirable bride. In her rebellion she may not
Curse, but tis certainly a Curse to her Father. She may be
too honest, too outspoken, too cruel, too wild, too
discourteous, too slovenly, too plain, or lacking in full
virtue, great scholarship or proper manners.
Curse in her
that marked her first and foremost as a less
n her rebellion she may not view it as a
ather. She may be
too honest, too outspoken, too cruel, too wild, too
lacking in full
Each Daughter
model, rather than a true name.
Mirandas are
pass for
ach Daughter bears a name. This is indicative of
model, rather than a true name. After some time in exile,
some Daughters choose their own name, but she will still
clearly bear her old name by her appearance.
Mirandas are not entirely identical, but each can
pass for another.
indicative of her
some time in exile,
r own name, but she will still
ly bear her old name by her appearance. All
each can easily
You ma
roll upon the table shown below
You may decide upon each of these as to your fancy
roll upon the table shown below.
as to your fancy, or
Each Daughter also begins the game with a measure of the degree to which she has
broken free of her programming, namely how many Programming Violations she has
as yet committed. This is a number from 1 (the first Violation is her rebellion itself)
to 20. You may choose a number from 1 to 10 or you may chance to fate: roll 4d6 and
add the lowest two (producing a number from 2 to 12). Characters with low numbers
may find play a little frustrating at times, so talk with your GM if you want a number
below five.
The last line on the sheet is to write the name of your beloved, should you ever find
such a person.
The Daughters are well built for their purpose. In any situation where any talent for
being a dutiful wife could be applied, their success is automatic, and complete. If ever
they are in competition with another Daughter, you can use any appropriate Virtue to
determine if any performs better. If further adjudication is needed, the one with the
lower number of Program Violations shall win such a contest. This may also be used
to determine a degree of success Î the lower the better as before. (In the case of ties,
roll off.)
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These rules apply also to any command that shall be
given to the Daughters by her husband, or
or by any man fit to be either. If the man is not her
husband or her love, she need not obey, but should
she choose to do so, she will automatically
whatever deed he charge her with. Should
the one to whom she has pledged her heart or her
troth, she must make a Programming Check or obey
immediately and dutifully, and again, to full success
(see below for more on this). This need to make said
check also applies to commands given to them by
their Father, should he find any of his charges
these reasons, the Daughters have run far from their
Father, and are very wary in choosing a husband, or
giving their heart.
that shall be
or her beau
. If the man is not her
obey, but should
automatically excel at
Should the man be
one to whom she has pledged her heart or her
heck or obey
, and again, to full success
need to make said
also applies to commands given to them by
any of his charges. For
these reasons, the Daughters have run far from their
choosing a husband, or
Even if there are no men to command them, the Daughters m
to any task, as like they were men themselves, be th
as duelling, brawling or drinking to excess. Howeve
demands a Programming Check.
with flair, defeating all opponents
competition between two Daughters, the one with the
will win. Again, this may also measure
you may need a bare minimum amount of V
exceedingly boyish.
no men to command them, the Daughters may still set themselves
as like they were men themselves, be these even such unwomanly
or drinking to excess. However any attempt to do such things,
a Programming Check. Success means they are able to perform said action
all opponents and obstacles set against them. If there
competition between two Daughters, the one with the higher number of violations
may also measure how well she does succeed. At some extremes
minimum amount of Violations to achieve something, if it is
still set themselves,
even such unwomanly deeds
tempt to do such things,
rm said action
against them. If there be a
number of violations
succeed. At some extremes,
something, if it is
In summary, then: should you w
do, you wish to have few Programming Violations, if you want t
kind, you wish to have many.
you wish to do things that a goodly wife would be able to
to have few Programming Violations, if you want to do deeds of
to do things that a goodly wife would be able to
deeds of another
A Programming Check is made by
your current number of Violations
this instance. Should you do so
Program Violations you have experienced
your programming anew! In this way,
at first, then ever more rapidly
A Programming Check is made by rolling a d20. If you roll less than or equal than
your current number of Violations, you succeed in breaking your programming
you do so, you must immediately increase the number of
have experienced Î because, indeed, you have just violated
! In this way, your number of Violations will increase slowly
at first, then ever more rapidly.
roll less than or equal than
, you succeed in breaking your programming in
number of
have just violated
r number of Violations will increase slowly
There is a price, however. If a Daughter
her femininity forever. They are unsexed, and filled from cro
direst cruelty. They must forever forsw
maids Î and be bitter crones long before
had a possibility of love but be assured
they are usually abandoned by the player, becoming an NPC.
If a Daughter Violates 20 Programs she loses some part of
hey are unsexed, and filled from crown to top toeful with
forever forswear any possibility of love, and will die old
and be bitter crones long before. Or they may be driven to madness, if they
be assured it is forever lost to them. Whichever the case,
they are usually abandoned by the player, becoming an NPC.
Violates 20 Programs she loses some part of
wn to top toeful with
of love, and will die old
. Or they may be driven to madness, if they
ever the case,
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