My gods bigger than your god.pdf

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My God’s Bigger than Your God.
By Joe J Prince
1. Intro
This Game is an exploration of faith, blind obedient faith.
Eons ago a city, surrounded by inhospitable desert terrain, became the
most holy place on Terra. This city became the seat of faith for millions.
This game is the story of that city.
This game is also incredibly rushed as I’ve been on holiday all week and
have a wedding this weekend so it’s getting typed up in the next two hours.
Please forgive my sin.
2. Overview
The game is for 2 or more players, more than 7 is probably pushing it.
You will need paper, pencils and a bunch of coins: 20 copper, 6 silver and
3 gold.
Each player controls a religious Faith, not a God per se but you’re not
going to tell the sheep that!
The objective is to grow your religion to the point where it becomes the
dominant faith in the city. This is achieved by having more followers than
all the other religions combined. This spiritual victory ensures your faith
becomes the one true way. Otherwise the spiritual makeup at the end of
play determines how the religions shape up.
3. DIY Deities
Every player begins by creating a deity and assembling the flock.
Name your deity, hell give him a bunch of names the more the better. For
a more intense game use a real historical faith. For a really passionate
game, use a god you actually believe in (you can use atheism if you want).
Now each Faith begins with a single Power in his portfolio (realm of
influence) or a single Promise he makes to his followers.
E.g. Marie’s deity is named Hydrophilleos, he has power over water.
Each Faith also begins play with one Decree the religion demands of its
worshippers. Decrees are like holy laws, sins basically.
E.g. Worshippers of Hydrophilleos are forbidden from eating four legged
During play, a Faith may add more Promises/Powers and Decrees.
Each Faith begins with 2 Followers, represented by copper coins. Put any
unclaimed coins in the middle, these are the faithless.
Faiths also get the opportunity to develop Edges during play – more on
these later.
4. Mechanics
The game uses a coin flipping (well shaking within cupped hands really)
resolution system. In all cases, heads are successes and tails are fails. Unless
otherwise noted, on a player’s turn he always gets to use his golden god
coin, which is worth 2 successes on a head – zero for a tail though.
5. Starting Play
The Deity with the most names gets to go first – or longest name if tied.
6. Turns
Every turn, a player may add a new Power/Promise and a new Decree.
He may also have one of the following scenes:
Story: Roleplay/narrate a scene where your followers preach to the
faithless. Hopefully the lost sheep will join your flock.
System: Toss God coin plus all your follower coins. [G +F] For every
success you get take a coin from the faithless, these are now your followers.
Story: Roleplay/narrate a scene where your followers try to convert
worshippers of another Faith to your path.
System: Toss God coin plus up to 3 follower coins vs opponent’s God coin
plus up to 3 follower coins. [G+(3)F vs G+ 3(F)] Whichever Faith has fewer
Decrees gains a bonus silver coin to the check.
If you gain more successes, then a Follower defects to you for every success
you have in excess of your opponent.
This scene enables your Faith to get an Edge over its rivals. This may be
the emergence of a powerful prophet or by recording a holy book. Or if
you already have a prophet, he can be promoted to an armed prophet or
even the messiah!
Story: Narrate who or what the edge is.
System: Toss all your Follower coins (not God coin) if you get at least 1
success then the Edge enters play.
Holy Book: grants +1 Power/Promise & +1 Decree, gain a bonus coin in
Preach, Convert, Jihad, Absorb and Edge scenes. If yours is the oldest holy
book gain an additional bonus coin in those scenes.
Prophet: may re-flip any follower coins in Preach, Convert and Absorb
Armed Prophet: may re-flip any coins in Jihad scenes. Gain a bonus coin in
Blunting scenes. Only one armed prophet may exist at a time.
Messiah: +1 God Coin. Counts as prophet. Only one Messiah can exist at a
time and each Faith may have only one Messiah per game.
You can’t force people to share your faith, but you can kill them if they
Story: Decide with other faith you will go to holy war with.
System: Toss God coin plus all Follower coins vs God coin plus Follower
Coins. Whichever Faith has more Decrees gains a bonus coin.
Whoever gets most successes may slay an opposing Follower for every
success he has in excess of his opponent. Slain Follower coins return to the
Faithless. For every one of a Faith’s followers slain he gains a Blood of the
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