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Narise Konohara
In the Box / Rainy Day
Rainy Day
It was supposed to be daytime, but it was dark inside the room. It was dark, like in the early hours
before dawn. He couldn’t tell where he was. His heart began to race at the overwhelming sense of
unease, but that passed in an instant. He could see his own two hands, and they were large. He
wasn’t very smart, but with these two hands he could do a decent range of manual labour. I’m not a
kid anymore. This isn’t the tiny room I used to be in when I was younger.
A thin sheen of sweat coated his brow. It was hot and humid in the room. Even the
intermittent breeze directed at him by the swinging fan at his feet felt somewhat moist.
Kitagawa rubbed his face vigorously with both hands before he slowly sat up. There was a
figure beside him in the same futon. A human figure, curled up in a cream-coloured towel blanket.
He carefully turned the blanket down, revealing the man’s bare, defenceless skin. The man was
asleep on his side, not even wearing underwear.
Kitagawa’s body burned with thirst despite how much he had indulged himself the night
before. The other man’s breathing was slow and regular, and he showed no signs of waking up.
Kitagawa gently rolled the figure onto his back and climbed on top. The warmth of the other’s skin
aroused him, and he kissed those lips which presently existed only to breathe. His greedy kisses
attempted even to take the man’s breathing away, and eventually his eyelids fluttered as he
emerged from his slumber.
He felt a shiver up his spine. The man had called his name. His name. Before, it had been a
mere superficial decoration. This man had given it meaning.
Now that the man was awake, Kitagawa entwined his tongue with his. A breathy moan
escaped through the man’s nose, spurring Kitagawa on. Kitagawa kissed the man’s chin, licked his
throat, and nuzzled the groove between his collarbones before latching his lips onto his chest,
which he had fondled to his heart’s content yesterday. He sucked hard.
He closed his lips around the entire nipple, let his tongue flicker over the tip, and bit it
lightly. The body in his arms grew hot and damp to the touch . His lover’s low gasps rang deep into
his ears as the man ran his fingers through Kitagawa’s hair, as if silently begging for more.
With his lips still wrapped around the man’s nipple, Kitagawa forcefully opened his legs
and slid his hips between them. His lover’s member that pressed up against his belly button was
hard and hot, though not completely erect. When Kitagawa closed his right hand around it, the
man let out a short cry.
Kitagawa rubbed it along its shaft, pressed down hard on the tip with his thumb, and
tightened his fingers around it. He lovingly and thoroughly caressed the heated and trembling
member in his hands, and peered into his lover’s face. The man’s eyes swam with desire as he
lapped up the pleasure that was offered to him; his mouth was half-open, and his chest rose and
fell rapidly, unable to hide his arousal.
Kitagawa kissed him deeply while he lifted the man’s right leg up. He pushed the tip of his
own member into the narrow space in his lover’s lower half, rubbing it up against the soft spot that
always accepted him.
“Kei―!” his lover pleaded tensely, shaking his head as if to avoid his kisses. “―Not that.”
Narise Konohara
In the Box / Rainy Day
Kitagawa pressed his lips to the man’s slender neck and bit it playfully. Still hoisting the
man’s right leg up, he rubbed his own erect member and smeared his pre-cum on the same spot.
This time, his lover covered his crotch with this right hand to block him. Kitagawa pushed the tip
of his rod insistently against the back of the man’s hand.
“You don’t want me to put it in?”
Even in the dim light of the room, he could see his lover turn red.
“It’s already light outside.”
“I want to put it inside, Takafumi. You’re off work today, aren’t you?”
“Well, yeah, but...”
“Let me put it in.”
His lover shifted his gaze and hesitated at his plea. As Kitagawa kissed him repeatedly and
persisted in appealing his desire, Douno’s shielding right hand finally fell away.
Kitagawa pushed his tip strongly against the spot which had been opened for him. He had
penetrated it numerous times last night, so it was only tight on the way in. He thrust it in far
enough for their pubic hairs to tangle together, and began to move in and out slowly.
Back when he had been inexperienced at the act, he used to jerk his hips more forcefully,
but he came to realize it only caused Douno pain unless Kitagawa took the time to get him settled
in. He could tell it pleased the man’s body more when he did it slowly. Watching the man in turn
aroused him more.
Takafumi covered his face with both hands and shuddered. When Kitagawa sped up his
movements a little, the man’s penis reared into a full erection. Once Takafumi’s body got used to
the movement, he seemed to feel more pleasure from being hurried a little. As his lover moaned
sweetly and writhed, his spine taut in pleasure, Kitagawa remained deep inside him and tightly
grasped the base of the man’s quivering penis along with his balls. He felt the man squeeze him so
hard it hurt. The searing membrane around him throbbed as his lover released his desire.
“...Don’t look at me...” his lover pleaded in a trembling voice. “It’s embarrassing...”
“We did the same thing last night.”
They had done this act numerous times last night, but he felt like Douno’s pleasure was
more heightened now, in the morning.
“But it’s bright... and I can see everything.”
It was cloudy outside, and so not as bright as on a sunny day, but they could still see every
corner of the room well enough. He remembered now how Takafumi would always turn out the
lights before they went to sleep. He lifted his lover’s scrotum and stared at the part that joined
them. Noticing what was at the end of his gaze, his lover squirmed and tried to edge upwards, but
Kitagawa firmly pulled his hips closer. He could clearly feel his member deeply penetrating that
tiny spot.
“It turns me on when I can see you, Takafumi.”
He soothed the slightly resistant man and resumed thrusting gently. Then, he hoisted the
man’s twisting body in his arms and, without breaking their connection, sat him on his lap.
Douno clung to Kitagawa’s neck and moaned in a whimpering voice. Now that he was
upright, the liquid desire Kitagawa had released inside him yesterday spilled out and trickled
down Kitagawa’s penis.
Kitagawa stroked the man’s head and whispered in his ear.
Narise Konohara
In the Box / Rainy Day
“Move like you want to, Takafumi.”
“I c―can’t.”
“Sure you can. I’ll help you.”
He placed the man’s hands on his shoulders, supported the man’s slender hips with both
hands, and rocked him encouragingly. Gradually, the man began to move his hips erotically
without Kitagawa’s help. Kitagawa could see his own penis slide in and out of view from the
narrow opening. He could hear the slippery sound of their wet flesh rubbing against each other.
Juices dripped. His lover’s movements grew more frantic, and in moments, the man ejaculated on
his belly.
“Did it feel good?” Kitagawa whispered into the man’s ear. The man’s face flushed crimson
as he tried to break their connection. Kitagawa hastily held him back.
“Not yet. I haven’t come yet.”
He pushed the man down and climbed over top of him. He kissed his lover over and over
as he began a slow piston inside the man’s body, savouring every move inside the now soft and
completely loosened spot.
Kitagawa had barely any memories of his childhood. But the things he did remember were
vivid: the interior of the square room, his constant hunger, and the overpowering smell of human
excrement which threatened to render his nose senseless.
He may have gone to kindergarten or preschool, but his memories of those years were
vague. But one thing he remembered clearly was that his time alone seemed to stretch on forever.
Had he been crammed into that small room since childhood because his mother had gotten
sick of raising him? Then maybe she shouldn’t have had me at all, he thought, but there was no way of
asking her why she’d decided to have him. He had no idea where his mother was now. He had a
feeling he would go on never to see her again, and he did not want to see her badly enough to
search for her. My mother probably doesn’t feel any love for me, anyway, he thought.
Although his mother would probably not go to jail, he wondered if she would still be
punished somehow for what she did. Would she ever regret her actions and feel remorse for
setting her son up to murder someone?
Whenever he thought of his childhood and about his father, Kitagawa always felt a
smarting pain in a corner of his head, and he would grow restless and irritated. This never used to
happen before. He had started to feel irritated ever since he came to realize that what his mother
did was wrong.
He reached out to his lover lying beside him and drew him close. He felt the man’s warmth,
and inhaled his scent deeply. His irritation subsided instantly as if it had been a dream. The
smarting in his head grew faint.
“Feel like getting up soon?” said a voice by his ear. “It’s almost noon. I’m starting to get
Douno sat up. Kitagawa was hungry, too, but did not want to be apart from this man just
yet. He clung to Douno’s naked belly.
“Don’t be such a kid,” Douno laughed softly.
He gently pushed Kitagawa off and got to his feet. He picked up his underwear, put on his
pyjamas which had been strewn across the floor, and left the room. Kitagawa remained lying on
the futon for a while, but he began to feel lonely being by himself in the dim room. He put on his
Narise Konohara
In the Box / Rainy Day
underwear and his pyjama bottoms before slinking out of their ten-square-metre bedroom.
He entered the kitchen to see Douno squatting by the edge of the refrigerator feeding a
white cat with black patches in its fur.
“It was meowing for a while by the back door. I totally forgot about its food.”
Douno gently ran his fingers over the cat’s wet head.
“I know we started feeding it because it comes by often, but I wonder who it belongs to?”
The cat was wearing a collar. It had already been full grown and wearing a collar since the
first time it began to frequent their yard. However, the collar had no address, nor did it have the
pet’s name. The cat could hardly be called cute, but Kitagawa and Douno had begun to feed it
since it kept meowing persistently at the back door. Soon, it began to come by regularly in the
mornings and evenings. Kitagawa was the one who began giving it leftovers until Douno bought
cat food.
The cat began to clean its face after polishing off the food in its bowl.
“She’s actually a girl, you know.”
“Oh, really?”
Douno picked the cat up. He was right; the cat had no balls as far as he could see. Kitagawa
gave the cat’s white furry belly a casual rub, and was met with a kick.
The cat twisted out of Douno’s arms and landed on its feet on the floor. It went to the back
door in the kitchen and meowed in a demanding way. Douno let the cat out before hurrying back
to Kitagawa’s side.
“Are you alright?”
The cat’s claws had left three clear lines on Kitagawa’s wrist.
“Ungrateful cat,” Kitagawa grumbled, clicking his tongue.
“The belly is a vulnerable spot, after all,” Douno said. “Maybe she was pregnant.”
Blood welled up from the scratches. Douno took Kitagawa’s hand and licked his bleeding
“I wonder where we put the band-aids?” he murmured to himself as he left the kitchen.
Once he was out of sight, Kitagawa licked his wound once again, which had stopped bleeding.
After putting a bandage over Kitagawa’s scratch, Douno opened the fridge and sighed.
“We didn’t have much food stocked up. It’s not breakfast hour anymore, either... are you
okay with fried rice?”
Kitagawa nestled close to his lover from behind and reached below his belly.
“Now, now,” Douno reprimanded gently. “What do you feel like eating, Kei?”
“Anything you’ll make, Takafumi.”
“Then maybe you can have cat food, like the cat.”
“That’s fine.”
There was a moment of silence.
“I was just kidding,” Douno said quietly. “I would never feed you that.”
“I’ll eat anything you serve. Even cat food.”
“I said it was a joke,” Douno murmured somewhat sadly, even though he had brought it up
It continued to rain outside, and the view of the yard was blurred and smoky from the
room facing out. Their dog Ao showed no signs of coming out of her doghouse. Perhaps even dogs
found the rain annoying.
Narise Konohara
In the Box / Rainy Day
Douno was outside in the yard with an umbrella, putting a bowl of food in the doghouse.
They had taken her in a month ago. Despite having heard from Kitagawa the day before that he
was bringing a dog home, Douno had been astonished.
“This is the dog?”
“This is it.”
Douno looked down at the sandy dog with white paws.
“But it’s... big.”
Ao was already a grown dog when they took her in.
“The owner probably got sick of taking care of it,” a fellow worker at Kitagawa’s site had
guessed, judging by how affectionate the dog was.
“I never said it was a puppy,” Kitagawa said.
“Yeah, but...”
“I feel like we’re gonna get along.”
Douno chuckled.
“Okay, fine,” he had relented.
Douno came back into the house with a piece of paper, which he put on the table.
“It was in the back of our mailbox. Apparently there was supposed to be a fireworks
festival today.”
The light-pink flier on the table was blazed with a large heading that said “Festival of
Fireworks” and went on to list today’s date.
“It says ‘may be cancelled due to weather’, so I guess it won’t happen in this rain.”
Kitagawa stared intently at the flier.
“When I was a kid, my life used to hinge on whether the fireworks were happening or not.
It was that big of a deal,” Douno reminisced as he sat down. “I was excited for the fireworks, of
course, but I think I was excited the most for the food stalls. Ice cream, oban-yaki 1 , grilled squid.... I
only had a little bit of allowance to spend, so I was always super serious about which prize draw
I’d do.”
Douno sounded happy.
“I wish I could’ve seen you then, Takafumi.”
Douno shook his head.
“It wouldn’t have been anything special. I was a normal kid. My marks were average, I was
average at sports. If you asked me what my special skill was, I wouldn’t have been able to answer.
Oh, but I used to like trains a lot back then. I rode a lot of different ones.”
“You enjoyed riding the train?”
“Yeah. I liked being bumped along. And it was such a strange, magical feeling to watch the
scenery change out the window. I’d completely forgotten about how much I used to love them.”
Kitagawa stared at the Douno’s face as the man spoke of his memories.
“I want to see inside your head.”
“In my head?” his lover repeated.
“I feel like it’d be a lot of fun to watch.”
“Well, but it’s all just childish stuff.”
“It’s fun listening to you talk about it. I just thought it’d be fun if I could see it, too, because
A snack made of waffle-like batter and filled with red-bean paste. At festivals, these are made outdoors
on the spot.
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