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Desktop Info
by Glenn Delahoy
(C) Copyright 2005-2014
All rights reserved

This little application displays real-time system information on your desktop.
Looks like wallpaper but stays resident in memory. Perfect for quick
identification and walk-by monitoring of production or test server farms.
Everything is customisable.

License Agreement
This software is distributed free of charge. It may be used as many times as you 
like, for as long as you like, in a domestic or corporate environment. You may
copy and distribute copies of this program provided that you keep all original
documentation including this readme.txt file with copyright notice and
disclaimer of warranty intact. You may not charge money or fees for the software
product to anyone except to cover distribution costs.

This program is provided "as is" without warranties of any kind, either
expressed or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of
merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The entire risk as to the
quality and performance of the program is with you. Should the program prove
defective, you assume the cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction.
In no event will any copyright holder be liable to you for damages, including
any general, special, incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use
or inability to use the program (including but not limited to loss of data or
data being rendered inaccurate or losses sustained by you or third parties or a
failure of the program to operate with any other programs).

Technical Support
No guarantees whatsoever are implied that technical support will be provided or
that technical support, when provided, will be accurate. This software is
basically unsupported and supplied on an as-is basis.

Just run it. You can kill it via the right click context menu or from Task
Manager. Open the desktopinfo.ini file or select Configuration from the right
click context menu and adjust each item in the items section to control
visibility, refresh times, colours and other properties. The display updates
itself automatically when you save the ini file.

There is no configuration program. Options are set by modifying the ini file in
a text editor such as Notepad. The included ini file shows all the available
options. Display values are relative to the primary display so if you have a
dual monitor display, you may need to specify negative values for any of these
depending on the display arrangement. Here are the rules for the position

     if left is specified, it is left aligned
     if right is specified, it is right aligned
     if neither left or right, it is left
     if both are specified, it is left
     if top is specified, it is top aligned
     if bottom is specified, it is bottom aligned
     if neither top or bottom, it is top
     if both are specified, it is top
     if font size is not specified, it is 8
     if font size is less than 6, it is 8
     if width is not specified, it is half the primary monitor width
     height is always the number of items

fontface                The name of the font.
fontsize                The size of the font.
cleartype               Enables/disables ClearType for the font.
ssfontsize              The font size in screen saver mode.
formcolor               Background colour. If /f is used 000000 is black
                        background, otherwise 000000 is transparent background.
contextmenu             Enables/disables the right click context menu.
allowdrag               Enables/disables the ability to drag the form. If the
                        /f option is used the form is always draggable.
offset                  Enables/disables the display offset of the network
                        adapter, fixed disk and printer sub-items.
language                File name containing alternate display text for the
msnstatus               Enables option to update msn status.
inimonitortime          How often to check for dekstopinfo.ini changes.
log                     Write debug information to the specified log file.

Colours are specified as a six character bgr (reverse rgb) hexadecimal number.
The first two characters represent the level of blue, the second represent the
level of green, the third two represent the level of red. Each element has a
range of 00-ff (0-255). ff0000 is blue, 00ff00 is green, 0000ff is red. ffffff
is white (all colour elements at maximum), 000000 is black (all colour elements
are off).

The items section in the ini file controls the state of each info item. Each
item contains a comma delimited list of key:value pairs.

 key               value
 ---               -----
 active          : a value of 0 is off, 1 is on
 interval        : a value in seconds where 0 means never refresh
 color           : a bgr value as defined above
 chart           : chart type to display where 0 = no chart, 1 = bar chart,
                   2 = line chart. See below for items that have charts.
 threshold       : the value where the item text will change colour
 tcolor          : the new text colour when the value reaches the threshold
 style           : font style where b is bold, i is italic, u is underline
 offset          : for network items, a value of 0 is off, 1 is on
 count           : for multi items, sets the maximum number of items displayed

An example is:


where the datetime item is active, refreshed every second and the colour is


is active, refreshed every two seconds, the colour is red, chart number 1 is
displayed and the font style is bold.

If an item does not have a chart, the chart value is ignored. If you don't
specify an item at all, it will not display.

Some items such as network adapter, fixed disk and printer control all items
of that class. For example if you switch on fixed disk, all detected fixed
disks are displayed including most usb disks.

The display is refreshed whenever there is a hardware change notification for
fixed disks or network adapters.

Where an item has two values such as NETPACKETSRATE and DISKIO, the bar chart
value will be the sum of the two values. On line charts the first value
takes the colour configured for that item, the second value takes a standard
brown/orange/tan kind of colour.

The following items have both bar and line charts available:


Items that display values may be configured to change colour when that item
reaches a given value. The following items can have threshold values:

    Item               Threshold
    ----               ---------
    CPU                percent
    CPUUSAGE           percent
    TOPPROCESSCPU      percent
    TOPPROCESSPF       count
    PROCESSCOUNT       count
    PHYSICALRAM        percent
    VIRTUALMEMORY      percent
    PAGEFILE           percent
    PAGEFAULTS         count
    NETCONNECTIONS     count
    NETPACKETSRATE     rate of either value
    FIXEDDISK          percent
    DISKIO             rate of either value
    DISKQUEUE          count
    TSSESSIONS         count
    UNREADMAIL         count

Several of the entries show two numbers. For example, the physical ram might
show something like 528MB / 1024MB (51% used).  The first number is the amount
used, the second is the total. So in this case it shows 528MB used out of a
total of 1024MB which equates to 51% used. The same is true for virtual memory,
page file and fixed disks.

You can add the option SHORTDISPLAY to the items PHYSICALRAM, VIRTUALMEMORY,
PAGEFILE and FIXEDDISK.  This will abbreviate the standard display. For example,
the PHYSICALRAM item is normally "2052MB / 4061MB (50% used)". The abbreviated
version is "2052 / 4061MB (50%)". 

The filter option will be added to selected items over the next few versions.

    FIXEDDISK     Defines which drives will be displayed. To show only drive C:
                  add "filter:C:". To show drives C: and E: add "filter:C:E:".


File Monitors
Desktop Info can monitor files and folders for changes to size, write time or
version number. Add one or more items called FILE anywhere in the items section.
In addition to the normal item values, add the following values:

   text     Display name of the item
   type     Monitor type (text, size, time, version)
   file     File or folder name

The text type will display the first line of the given text file when the last
write time changes. This might be useful for monitoring semaphore or progress
files created by batch processes. The size type will display the file size when
the size changes. The time type will display the last write and access times
when either changes. The version type will display the file version resource
string when the file changes.

This monitor will work for local and network files and folders. If the file
or directory does not exist, the display will show "<N/A>". When monitoring
a directory make sure there is no trailing backslash.

This example displays the contents of the given file whenever it changes:


This example shows the executable version number whenever it changes:

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