High School DxD - My First Errand [Ophis Volume].pdf

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That day, the department store-----turned into a pandemonium.
Life 1: An infinite shopping!
Part 1
It was an event that occurred soon after the riot in the underworld ended,
and the Uroboros dragon Ophis began living in the Hyoudou household.
"We have to buy Ophis-chan's everyday goods."
…….My mother's words are very correct. Since it's one body, Ophis came
to live with me-----she doesn't possess any everyday goods.
And that's why, starting from clothes, she doesn't possess any luxury
No, I can't think that the strongest dragon-sama will be troubled about
clothes, or the likes but, saying that when in Rome, do as the Romans do;
since she's living in the house, I felt it's better to have the same things that
the inhabitants of this house have.
Gathering the members living in the Hyoudou house in the night, we ask
Ophis questions.
The contents of the questions are, "Since you're living here, is there
anything you want?" and "How did you live your life till now?", are some
questions which we ask Ophis.
First is the former.
The representative Rias asks.
"Ophis, do you have anything you want right now?"
While staying expressionless, she tilted her head and let out one sentence.
"Great Red's head"
That's extremely dangerous! She replied in an entirely different direction!
Well, having her birthplace, the dimensional gap occupied by the Great
Red, she can't go back but, that's Ophis' no.1 worry!
Since she's living over here, she doesn't need Great Red's head, right?
"…….Since we're not the Khaos Brigade, please don't delve your neck into
such a dangerous thing?"
While sighing I said that. ……I see, she said it to those guys in such a
lighthearted manner. With that as an excuse, they got a lot of power from
While smiling a little, Akeno-san asks the latter question-----"How did you
live your life till now?" is what she asked.
"Ophis…….chan, is fine right? In what way did you live till now?"
When Akeno-san asked that, Ophis thought just a bit and then wordlessly
shook her neck to the left and right. That action is cute. So much so that
you can't think this is the strongest and invincible dragon.
"I just sat on a seat in a room. I said my wishes. I gave snakes. Just that."
……Due to that simple answer of Ophis', the rooms atmosphere turned
into one where you couldn't say anything. It's a harsher lifestyle than I
As if remembering something, she added.
"One more thing. ------Vali, became my partner in talking."
….That bastard Vali, it probably weighed on his mind I guess. He's a
helpless battle maniac but I can't think of him as one worrying about
strange things.
However, with this it doesn't become reference about her life. More like,
will everything that comes to mind be necessary?
For the time being, we just have to go to the department and buy all the
necessary things that we can think about. Thinking about that, Irina says
with a difficult expression.
"Um, there's something that really bothers me. More than that, if we don't
hear about that firstly, the everyday items that we buy will change."
Is what she says. Something that really bothers her. What exactly is it?
After clearing her throat, Irina who has everyone's gazes gathered on her
asks Ophis.
"Is Ophis-san-----a girl, right?"
Ah. I see. I get it, that's what it is, huh. What Irina was bothered about
was----this person's gender.
From appearance it's a girl. Not to mention, a girl wearing black Goth Loli
clothes. However, from what Azazel-sensei says, a long time back his
appearance was that of an old man.
He's an old man, you know? Due to this cute appearance you can't
imagine it to be that but……Furthermore, before that the appearance was
different as well.
That's right, this is a human shaped dragon-----can change its appearance
at will. Right now it's a human girl however, for this Dragon God, the
concept of a gender is not present is what Sensei told.
Since it doesn't have a gender, Irina was bothered about it.
------is it fine to treat the current Ophis as a girl?
Depending on that answer, even the everyday items we buy will differ.
Since a girl requires more items than boys.
Girls are more sensitive to those sort of things after all. I didn't realize it at
all. I thought that if we can just buy the things for everyday life, it's over.
I see, even a single undergarment will be completely different.
While everyone's gaze concentrated on Ophis, it only said a single word of
"I don't know."
S-So it's come to that…..w-well, it's indifferent regarding gender. Somehow
it became the appearance of right now.
Now then, is it a male, or a female, which one's everyday goods should we
buy. Is it fine we also buy that in a gender neutral manner?
I have a good question while twisting my neck.
"Then, which underwear are you wearing right now? Isn't it faster to decide
what to buy that way?"
Is what Xenovia says.
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