My mobile phone reading (A2).doc

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Hello! I’m Kate. I want to write about my mobile phone. I got it from my parents for my birthday two years ago. I like it very much and I think it’s sometimes good to have it in my bag.

I always keep it in my bag or in my pocket so my parents and my friends can always telephone me. It’s got a calculator in it so I sometimes use it at school. It’s also a kind of information file. I can use my mobile phone to connect to the Internet and look through the news or read emails on my computer. Isn’t it fantastic?

Last year I was on a cycling holiday with my friend. We went cycling but the weather wasn’t good. It was cold and windy. It started to rain and it got dark. Suddenly my friend fell off her bike and she broke her leg. At first I didn’t know what to do but then I thought about my phone. It was in my rucksack so I telephoned for help. After fifteen minutes a doctor arrived.

Sometimes people are not keen on mobile phones. They are a real problem because they always ring at the wrong moment. I’m not crazy about my mobile phone but I feel safe when I have it with me.





Are the statements true (ü), false (û) or doesn’t it say ()?

1 Kate can’t exist without her mobile phone.

2 She got her mobile in January.

3 Her parents bought her the mobile phone one year ago.

4 There’s a calculator in her mobile.

5 She can connect to the Internet with her mobile.

6 She usually listens to music on her mobile.

7 She can’t read emails on her mobile.

8 There are often a lot of problems with mobile phones.

9 Kate always talks on her mobile to her friends.

10 She doesn’t like the mobile phones.









Answer the questions.

1 Where does Kate keep her mobile? _________________________________

2 What can she use it for? _________________________________

3 When was she on a cycling holiday? _________________________________

4 What happened there? _________________________________

5 How did Kate solve the problem? _________________________________








Match the pictures to the words.





Complete the sentences.

1 Kate’s parents and friends can always ___________ her.

2 Her mobile phone is also a kind of _________________ .

3 On the cycling holiday after the accident Kate phoned for __________.

4  Mobile phones often ___________ at the wrong moment.

5 Children can feel ________________ when they have their mobile phones with them.












calculator / mobile phone / laptop /MP3 player/radio/ computer/scanner/karaoke set/CD player/play station/television/

camcorder/ DVD player/USB pen / camera

What have you got from the things above? What do you use them for?


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