03. Eight Simple Rules for Dating a Dragon.pdf

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For my own adopted sisters—
MJ Selle, Vicky Yelton, and Sandy Weider,
Bestest best friends, critique partners,
quality control experts,
And all around wonder women.
Consider yourselves Embraced.
With the completion of another longer-than-usual book, I am once again
relieved and grateful that my publisher, St. Martin’s Press, never hesitates to
allow me all the room I need in order to tell a story. My sincere thanks to
everyone at St. Martin’s, including Jennifer Enderlin, Brant, Alexandra,
Marissa, Brittani, Jordan, the art department, the lovely ladies at Heroes and
Heartbreakers, and everyone else working behind the scenes to make my
books shine. A special thank-you to my new editor, Monique Patterson, for
loving this series and for so graciously taking me on.
I am always grateful to my dear friend and literary agent, Michelle
Grajkowski of Three Seas, for continuing to watch over me. My critique
partners/best friends are listed in the dedication, for they are always there for
me with encouragement, love, and even tough love, whenever I need a swift
kick in the pants. My husband and children are a never-ending supply of love
and support. Special thanks go to my husband/best friend/tax man/road
manager, who keeps me laughing and is always on the lookout for Brody in
whichever form he may have adopted.
And finally, I owe a huge debt of gratitude to my readers and
booksellers/librarians for Embracing the new series. To me, you are also
Embraced, because lending your support to an author is your awesome power.
Thanks to you, the magical world of Aerthlan can continue to flourish.
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