DDAL08-05 - The Hero of the Troll Wars.pdf

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DDAL 08-05
A Waterdeep Adventure
Hurtling through time, you find yourself embroiled in a struggle to keep
the fledgling town of Waterdeep from succumbing to a vicious Troll
invasion. But sometimes the true threat lies within the city walls...
Part Two of the
Folded Time Trilogy.
A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters.
Optimized For: APL 3
Lead Designer:
Lo Pierce
Claire Hoffman, Travis Woodall
D&D Adventurers League Guildmaster:
Art Director and Graphic Designer:
Rich Lescouflair
D&D Adventurers League Wizards Team:
Adam Lee,
Chris Lindsay, Mike Mearls, Matt Sernett
D&D Adventurers League Administrators:
Bill Benham,
Alan Patrick, Travis Woodall, Lysa Chen, Claire
Hoffman, Greg Marks
Paul Aparicio, Daniel Chapman, Jared Fegan,
Daniel Franco, Travis Fuller, Kerry Kaszak, Atis Kleinbergs,
Genesis Martinez, Chris McGovern, Kevin Neff, Daniel
Oliveira, Arthur Saucier, James Schweiss, Dan Taylor, Jia
Jian Tin, Marcello Velazquez, Eric Weberg
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, Wizards of the Coast, Forgotten Realms, the dragon ampersand, Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual,
Dungeon Master’s Guide, D&D Adventurers League, all other Wizards of the Coast product names, and their respective logos are trademarks
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©2018 Wizards of the Coast LLC, PO Box 707, Renton, WA 98057-0707, USA. Manufactured by Hasbro SA, Rue Emile-Boéchat 31, 2800
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Adventure Primer
“We didn’t start the fire”
-Billy Joel
The adventure’s story is spread over
three episodes
takes approximately
two hours
to play. The adventure
begins with a Call to Action scene.
If you’re planning to play the entire adventure at once,
you only need to introduce the Call to Action once.
However, if you plan to play them over several sessions,
you’ll want to revisit the Call to Action each time you play.
Episode 1: A Smoldering Hearth.
Finding themselves
on a farmstead in the year 940, the party is recruited by
a young wizard to aid in defending a strangely familiar
harbor town. This is the
Call to Action.
Episode 2: To Win the War.
Rushing to stop an inferno
of flame from devouring the fledgling Waterdeep,
players must both unearth magical wards created by
Halaster Blackcloak to amplify their new ally's magic.
This is
Story Objective A.
Episode 3: Like a Moth.
The sun rises on the city,
bathed in fire. Ahghairon requires the characters’ help
to back the flames, lest the City of Splendors burn to
ashes. This is
Story Objective B.
in the 940s, still staggering from the
effects of the Orcfasting War and floundering without the
leadership of the warlord Nimoar, is once again groaning
under the weight of invasion.
a young
human mage who is destined to become the first Open
Lord of Waterdeep, is seeking to stop what is to become
known as
before it devastates the
place of his birth.
the infamous
Mad Mage, labors in the pursuit of arcane knowledge
deep below the city. His experiments are deranged, but he
may yet have a part to play in defending Waterdeep from
peril. While Halaster's fall is legend, an unknown menace
simmers to the Southeast as the vampire
seeks a new lair.
On the eve of disaster, wreathed by flames, all three will
leave their mark on Waterdeep's history. Only the party
can ensure that the city survives.
Bonus Objectives
This adventure includes two bonus objectives that the
characters can pursue if they have additional time to
do so—earning additional
advancement and treasure
in the process. These bonus objectives are
found in this adventure’s appendices, as follows:
Bonus Objective A: Mother's Rage.
In the fields
surrounding their abbey, Sisters of Chauntea have
carefully preserved flora that would otherwise have
been lost to war. The sisters fear losing their fields more
than they value their own lives; without intervention,
they’ll lose both. This bonus objective is found in
Appendix 4.
Bonus Objective B: Queen's Mercy.
capricious goddess of the sea, has collected tithe
from Waterdhavian sailors for millennia. Perhaps her
mermish clerics can be persuaded to beg for her aid?
This bonus objective is found in
Appendix 5.
Episode Sequence
Depending on your time constraints, and play style and
environment, this adventure will take approximately two
to four hours to play.
How Will You Play?
The duration of your session depends on how much of
this adventure you utilize. At the very least, your session
will last approximately 2 hours. However, if you wish,
you can provide a longer experience for your players by
pursuing the bonus objectives.
Story Objectives Only.
To complete the both of the
adventure’s story objectives, the characters play in
Episodes 1 through 3 in order.
Bonus Objectives.
You can extend this adventure by
one- or two- hours
by utilizing the bonus objectives
provided in the appendices.
Bonus Objectives A
can both be completed during
Episode 2,
while the
players unearth wards. Once they have proceeded to scale
Mt. Waterdeep, neither objective can be completed if it
has not been already.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
DDAL08-05 The Hero of the Troll Wars (v1.0)
Adventure Flowchart
This section provides a basic understanding of not only the flow of the episode, but also the outline of the different paths
that your players may take in reaching their stated objective.
A Smoldering Hearth
(Call to Action)
To Win the War
(Story Objective A)
Rage of the Mother
(Bonus Objective A)
Mercy of the Queen
(Bonus Objective B)
Like a Moth
(Story Objective B)
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
DDAL08-05 The Hero of the Troll Wars (v1.0)
Episode 1: A Smoldering Hearth
Estimated Duration:
15 minutes
Area Information
This area has the following features:
Dimensions & Terrain.
Gost Farm’s homestead is
surrounded by 400 acres of barley and encompasses the
area that will one day be Waterdeep’s Sea Ward. From
Gost Farm, players can see the Trollwall, a wooden
palisade over 800 feet wide that protects Cliff Waterdeep
from northern threats. A wall of flame moves steadily
The setting sun sheds dim light on the
surrounding farm.
Smoke clogs the warm, dry, late-summer
Scene A. Love is a
Burning Thing
Players wake in the garden of a farmstead belonging to
Malcar Gost,
in the year 940 DR.
Played the Preceding Adventure.
Characters that
participated in DDAL08-04
A Wrinkle in the Weave
previously visited 130 DR. There, they encountered
Artor Morlin (a powerful vampire), Hilather (a wizard
who will become Halaster Blackcloak), and Malcar Gost
(a noble caught in the wake of Artor’s corruption). As
this event drew to its close, the party found themselves
hurtled through time once more…
Didn’t Play the Preceding Adventure.
Any of the
characters that didn’t participate in DDAL08-04
Wrinkle in the Weave
are contacted by Vajra Safahr, the
Blackstaff of Watedeep, and projected into the city’s past
to investigate an unusual disturbance in the Weave.
is here along with
Malcar “Farmer” Gost
lapsed vampire thrall)
Warlord Gharl.
Warlord Gharl has ordered his men
light the fields ablaze in an attempt to halt the troll advance
and is using his javelin of lightning to hold a number of
trolls at bay. Ahghairon is busy preparing a ritual to prevent
the flames from spreading into nearby Nimoar’s Hold.
Not for resale. Permission granted to print or photocopy this document for personal use only.
DDAL08-05 The Hero of the Troll Wars (v1.0)
Malcar is ineffectually trying to shore up his residence
against the encroaching wave of fire and troll.
What Do They Know?
Ahghairon conveys current
events and recent history to the party. Malcar knows that
Artor Morlin, a powerful vampire, once laired in a nearby
castle. He has recently abandoned it for places unknown.
If the party has played DDAL08-04
A Wrinkle in the
Malcar recognizes them and is stunned to see
them. He tells them that Artor has been corrupted by evil.
Call to Action
Ahghairon calls upon the characters to venture into the
hold and recover wards left by Halaster so that he can
complete his ritual. He provides the characters with
details regarding where he believes the wards are hidden:
The City of the Dead.
Ahghairon believes two wards
exist here; one in an eladrin tomb and the other in a
gnomish crypt.
The Harbor.
Ahghairon has detected powerful illusion
magic concealing what he believes to be a ward of
Nimoar’s Hold.
Finally, Ahghairon has personally seen
two wards carved into the stone walls of a building
in the hold that is currently being used by priests of
Chauntea as an infirmary.
The Troll Wars & Cliff Waterdeep
In the late summer of 940 DR, the City of Waterdeep
does not yet exist in its modern form. Cliff Waterdeep is
instead covered mostly by farmland. Its southern tip is
occupied by the human settlement of Nimoar's Hold,
which occupies roughly as much space as the Dock Ward
and the southern half of the Castle Ward of modern
Waterdeep. The Hold is surrounded by a wooden
palisade—a wall of spiked wooden poles which have
been lashed together.
Two miles north of the hold, a single Trollwall exists as
massive palisade built by Nimoar's people to provide a
barrier to invasion. There, the party sees Warlord Gharl
set fire to the fields of the hold. North of the Trollwall,
miles of woodland have been razed in Warlord Nimoar's
efforts to turn back orcs during the Orcfastings War, four
years hence.
In the wake of Nimoar’s death, his previous general,
Gharl, has succeeded him as leader of the Hold.
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