
(22 KB) Pobierz
# Revolution & Napoleon                #

namespace = french_revolution

# The General Estates
country_event = {
	id = french_revolution.1
	title = "flavor_fra.EVTNAME3144"
	desc = "flavor_fra.EVTDESC3144"
	picture = LIBERUM_VETO_eventPicture

	is_triggered_only = yes	
	major = yes
	fire_only_once = yes
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		days = 1

	immediate = {
		random_owned_province = { 
			limit = {
				fort_level = 1
				is_capital = no
			spawn_rebels = {
				type = revolutionary_rebels
				size = 3		
				win = yes
				unrest = 10
		random_owned_province = {
			limit = {
				is_capital = yes
			spawn_rebels = {
				type = revolutionary_rebels
				size = 3
		add_stability = -3
		set_country_flag = had_revolution

	option = {		# Dire times are ahead of us
		name = "EVTOPTA3011"
		add_prestige = -10

# The French Revolution
country_event = {
	id = french_revolution.2
	title = "flavor_fra.EVTNAME3779"
	desc = "flavor_fra.EVTDESC3779"
	picture = REVOLUTION_eventPicture
	fire_only_once = yes
	is_triggered_only = yes
	trigger = {
		OR = {
			capital_scope = {
				controlled_by = REB
			government = republic
		NOT = { government = revolutionary_republic }
		NOT = { government = revolutionary_empire }
		OR = {
			has_first_revolution_started = yes
			has_dlc = "Art of War"

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		days = 1

	immediate = {
		if = {
			limit = {
				government = monarchy
			set_country_flag = FRA_was_monarchy
	option = {		# A Revolution has struck us!
		name = "flavor_fra.EVTOPTA3779"
		disband_rebels = revolutionary_rebels
		add_stability_or_adm_power = yes
		change_government = revolutionary_republic
		set_revolution_target = ROOT
		kill_ruler = yes

# The Reign of Terror
country_event = {
	id = french_revolution.3
	title = "flavor_fra.EVTNAME3145"
	desc = "flavor_fra.EVTDESC3145"
	picture = REVOLUTION_eventPicture
	fire_only_once = yes
	is_triggered_only = yes
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		days = 1
	immediate = {
		set_country_flag = reign_of_terror_flag

	option = {		# Execute the enemies of the Revolution!
		name = "flavor_fra.EVTOPTA3145"
		add_army_tradition = -0.5
		add_navy_tradition = -0.5
		add_manpower = -0.25
		add_sailors = -0.25
		add_country_modifier = {
			name = the_reign_of_terror
			duration = 3650
	option = {		# Show leniency
		name = "flavor_fra.EVTOPTB3145"
		add_stability = -3

# The Directory
country_event = {
	id = french_revolution.4
	title = "flavor_fra.EVTNAME3781"
	desc = "flavor_fra.EVTDESC3781"
	picture = REVOLUTION_eventPicture
	fire_only_once = yes
	is_triggered_only = yes
	trigger = {
		has_country_flag = reign_of_terror_flag
		NOT = { had_country_flag = { flag =  reign_of_terror_flag days = 365 } }

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		days = 1
	immediate = {
		set_country_flag = the_directory_flag
	option = {		# A Coup-de-Etat has brought Order
		name = "flavor_fra.EVTOPTA3781"
		add_stability = 2
		if = {
			limit = {
				has_country_modifier = the_reign_of_terror
			remove_country_modifier = the_reign_of_terror

# The Execution of King Louis
country_event = {
	id = french_revolution.5
	title = "flavor_fra.EVTNAME3146"
	desc = "flavor_fra.EVTDESC3146"
	picture = DEATH_OF_HEIR_eventPicture
	fire_only_once = yes
	is_triggered_only = yes
	trigger = {
		NOT = { has_country_flag = had_execution_of_king_louis_event_flag }
		NOT = { has_country_flag = the_directory_flag }
		has_country_flag = FRA_was_monarchy

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		days = 1
	immediate = {
		set_country_flag = had_execution_of_king_louis_event_flag
	option = {		# 361 votes for and 360 against execution
		name = "flavor_fra.EVTOPTA3146"
		add_stability_or_adm_power = yes
		set_country_flag = fra_monarch_executed
		every_neighbor_country = {
			limit = {
				government = monarchy
			add_opinion = {
				who = ROOT
				modifier = executed_monarch
		hidden_effect = {
			if = {
				limit = {
					any_owned_province = {
						continent = europe
						is_core = ROOT
						has_port = yes
						is_capital = no
				random = {
					chance = 90
					country_event = { id = french_revolution.6 days = 20 }
	option = {		# 361 votes against and 360 for execution
		name = "flavor_fra.EVTOPTB3146"
		add_stability = -1

# The Chouan Revolt
country_event = {
	id = french_revolution.6
	title = "flavor_fra.EVTNAME3147"
	desc = "flavor_fra.EVTDESC3147"
	picture = ANGRY_MOB_eventPicture
	is_triggered_only = yes
	immediate = {
		hidden_effect = {
			set_country_flag = the_chouan_revolt
			random_owned_province = {
				limit = {
					continent = europe
					is_core = ROOT
					has_port = yes
					is_capital = no
				set_province_flag = choun_revolt_pretender
			random_owned_province = {
				limit = {
					continent = europe
					is_core = ROOT
					is_capital = no
					NOT = { has_province_flag = choun_revolt_pretender }
				set_province_flag = choun_revolt_religious
	option = {		# Royalists and Religious Rebels are on the move
		name = "flavor_fra.EVTOPTA3147"
		add_republican_tradition = -10
		random_owned_province = {
			limit = {
				has_province_flag = choun_revolt_pretender
			spawn_rebels = {
				type = pretender_rebels
				size = 3
			clr_province_flag = choun_revolt_pretender
		random_owned_province = {
			limit = {
				has_province_flag = choun_revolt_religious
			spawn_rebels = {
				type = religious_rebels
				size = 2
			clr_province_flag = choun_revolt_religious

# Napol?on Bonaparte
country_event = {
	id = french_revolution.7
	title = "flavor_fra.EVTNAME3148"
	desc = "flavor_fra.EVTDESC3148"
	picture = IMPORTANT_STATUE_eventPicture
	is_triggered_only = yes
	trigger = {
		NOT = { has_country_flag = napoleon_happened_flag }
		OR = {
			is_year = 1799
			has_country_flag = fra_monarch_executed
			has_country_flag = the_directory_flag
		NOT = { dynasty = "Bonaparte" }
		is_revolution_target = yes

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		days = 1
	immediate = {
		set_country_flag = napoleon_happened_flag
	option = {		# We need Brilliant Leadership!
		name = "flavor_fra.EVTOPTA3148"
		add_stability = -1
		if = {
			limit = {
				has_heir = yes
			hidden_effect = {
				kill_heir = yes
		define_ruler = {
			name = "Napol?on I"
			dynasty = "Bonaparte" 
			adm = 6
			dip = 5
			mil = 6
		set_ruler_flag = bonaparte_flag
	option = {		# We don't want a new Ceasar
		name = "flavor_fra.EVTOPTB3148"
		add_stability = 3

# The Infernal Machine
country_event = {
	id = french_revolution.8
	title = "flavor_fra.EVTNAME100"
	desc = "flavor_fra.EVTDESC100"
	picture = IMPORTANT_STATUE_eventPicture
	is_triggered_only = yes
	trigger = {
		NOT = { has_country_flag = infernal_machine_flag }
		has_ruler_flag = bonaparte_flag
		government = revolutionary_republic

	mean_time_to_happen = {
		days = 1
	immediate = {
		set_country_flag = infernal_machine_flag
	option = {		# Let us pray for his survival...
		name = "flavor_fra.EVTOPTA100"
		add_republican_tradition = -5
		random = {
			chance = 25
			kill_ruler = yes
			add_republican_tradition = -5

# Aspirations of an Empire
country_event = {
	id = french_revolution.9
	title = "flavor_fra.EVTNAME101"
	desc = "flavor_fra.EVTDESC101"
	picture = IMPORTANT_STATUE_eventPicture
	is_triggered_only = yes

	option = {		# France will be an empire!
		name = "flavor_fra.EVTOPTA101"
		add_stability = -2
		change_government = revolutionary_empire
		random_owned_province = {
			limit = {
				continent = europe
				is_core = ROOT
				is_capital = no
			spawn_rebels = {
				type = pretender_rebels
				size = 3
	option = {		# The revolution must continue!
		name = "flavor_fra.EVTOPTB101"
		add_stability_or_adm_power = yes

# The Revolutionary Republic
country_event = {
	id = french_revolution.10
	title = "flavor_fra.EVTNAME110"
	desc = "flavor_fra.EVTDESC110"
	picture = IMPORTANT_STATUE_eventPicture
	is_triggered_only = yes
	trigger = {
		government = revolutionary_republic
		NOT = { manpower_percentage = 0.25 }
		OR = {
			NOT = { has_country_flag = revolutionary_republic_trouble }
			had_country_flag = { flag = revolutionary_republic_trouble days = 365 }
	mean_time_to_happen = {
		days = 1
	immediate = {
		set_country_flag = revolutionary_republic_trouble
		hidden_effect = {
			if = {
				limit = {
					NOT = { republican_tradition = 50 }
					republican_tradition = 25
					any_owned_province = {
						continent = europe
						is_core = ROOT
						is_capital = no
						NOT = { controlled_by = REB }
						has_siege = no
				random = {
					chance = 50
					set_country_flag = noble_rebels_rise
		hidden_effect = {
			if = {
				limit = {
					NOT = { has_country_flag = noble_rebels_rise }
					NOT = { republican_tradition = 25 }
					any_owned_province = {
						continent = europe
						is_core = ROOT
						is_capital = no
						NOT = { controlled_by = REB }
						has_siege = no
				random = {
					chance = 75
					set_country_flag = noble_rebels_rise
	option = {		# The republic will survive!
		name = "fla...
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