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Dianetic Clear Special Intensive              16              HCOB 2.5.79R I


Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead, Sussex


All AOs

All St Hills

Cl IV Orgs qualified

to deliver the Dn Clear

Special Intensive



(Revisions not in Script)







Dianetic Clear Series 4





HCOB              24 Sep 78R IV              Rev. 2.10.80              CONFIDENTIAL – THE STATE OF CLEAR

HCOB              3 May 79R              Rev. 31.3.81              Dianetic Clear Series 7 – DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE

                                                                      C/S AND AUDITOR REQUIREMENTS

HCOB              5 Mar 79RA              Rev. 31.3.81              Dianetic Clear Series 11 – DIANETIC CLEAR FALSE DECLARES

HCOB              29 Nov 78R              Rev. 31.3.81              Dianetic Clear Series 8, C/S Series 104R


HCOB              5 Dec 78R              Rev. 31.3.81              Dianetic Clear Series 9, C/S Series 105R

                                                                      DIANETIC CLEAR ATTESTS – ADDITIONAL DATA

HCOB              24 Sep 78R III              Rev. 31.3.81              Dianetic Clear Series 1 – DIANETIC CLEAR

HCO PL              1 Apr 81 II                                          INTERVIEWS

HCO PL 1 May 79R              Rev. 25.3.81              Dianetic Clear Series 3 – DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVES


HCOB              15 Nov 78                                          DATING AND LOCATING

HCOB              2 May 79R II              Rev. 25.3.81              Dianetic Clear Series 5 – DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE

                            ASSESSMENT LIST

HCOB              1 Dec 78R              Rev. 31.3.81              Dianetic Clear Series 10


HCOB              12 Sep 78                                          Dianetic Clear Series 2 – DIANETICS FORBIDDEN ON CLEARS


HCOB              25 Mar 81                                          Dianetic Clear Series 6 – DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE

                                          PRECLEAR CHECKLIST

HCOB              19 Dec 80                                          REHAB TECH

HCOB              30 Jul 80                                                        THE NATURE OF A BEING

HCOB              15 Jul 78R              Rev. 25.3.81              SCIENTOLOGY AUDITING CS-1

HCOB              1 Apr 81                                                        Dianetic Clear Series 15 – DCSI CASE HISTORIES

HCOB              11 Nov 73                                          PRECLEAR DECLARE? PROCEDURE

HCOB              11 Oct 80                                          DRUGS AND THEIR EFFECTS ON AUDITING GAINS

HCOB              31 Mar 81                                          „HEAVY DRUG HISTORY“ DEFINED

and the Keeping Scientology Working Series 21 through 25.



With the boom in Dianetic Clears it became necessary that a procedure be developed so that the state of Clear would be safeguarded and so that those who did achieve Dianetic Clear could get it properly acknowledged and attain a full resur­gence of the state. The procedure developed and released in 1979 was the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive.

This Intensive is used to:

a)              Establish with no eval or inval in the procedure whether the person has actually achieved the state or not;

b)              Ensure that the person who has made it attains a FULL resurgence of the state;

c)              Establish for the person who has not yet made Dianetic Clear that he hasn’t, get any win he has achieved acknowledged, and get him pro­grammed and onto his next auditing to get him further toward achieving the state of Clear;

d)              If he thinks this Intensive is going to make him Dianetic Clear, it estab­lishes him on his proper rundown or action and gets him that much closer to Clear.

Since its release, a great many Dianetic Clears have had the state verified and acknowledged through this Special Intensive and have progressed on up the Bridge on programs designed to take them through the standard Grade Chart actions up to OT levels.

Stable case change and the expected wins and regained abilities have been enthusiastically reported by these pcs and their auditors and C/Ses from the various orgs around the world.

Where this was not occurring it warranted a full study of the exact factors in­volved.

This study, which included a review of pc folders from many areas as well as examination of statistics, revealed the need for correction of many C/Ses and audi­tors on the subject of quickied actions and declares.

Correction of C/Ses and auditors has and is being done on a broad scale, through the Keeping Scientology Working Series, and the training and auditing re­quirements for C/Ses and auditors on the DCSI delivery line have been made more stringent.

Additionally, the folder studies turned up the fact that on some Dianetic Clears case conditions which needed handling were not adequately covered in the original DCSI.

A revised and expanded sequence of actions on the DCSI itself has also now been fully piloted.

The result is the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive, which is now re-designed to cover fully the various case conditions which have shown up in past DCSI deliv­ery.



The following additions and revisions have now been made to provide a smoother handling for each individual case when the subject of Dianetic Clear is to be addressed:

1.              Thorough and accurate FES and Folder Study are re-emphasized as the first step in order to prevent any misprogramming. Misprogramming could in­clude C/Sing a pc for the Intensive who does not need it (though the pc may need other repair actions), or in the case of a PC who does need the Inten­sive, neglecting to C/S for set-ups such as case repair or drug handling steps where these conditional actions may be needed.

2.              Conditional drug handling steps have been added, to be done as preliminary actions on specific cases where the need for these is indicated.

3.              The Scientology CS-1 (HCOB 15 Jul 78R, SCIENTOLOGY AUDITING CS-1) has been added as a conditional step to ensure the Intensive is not at­tempted over misunderstood terms or procedures.

4.              Two-Way Comm on the subject of Dianetic Clear has been deleted as a step on the Intensive, as the necessary data can be more effectively obtained through the use of prepared assessment questions. The TWC step, as origi­nally included on the Intensive, has been misapplied in some cases by the ad­dition of evaluative or leading questions. It has also by some C/Ses and audi­tors as the only handling been used done on the Dianetic Clear Special Inten­sive (DCSI) before the person was allowed to attest, with the remainder of the Intensive omitted altogether. Thus, to eliminate the possibility of any ad­ditive, evaluation, invalidation or the feeding of a cognition to the pc, in­advertently or otherwise, the Two Way Comm step has been replaced with the use of special prepared lists and other steps.

5.              Additional assessment questions have been included to locate and handle any bypassed charge or other factor or case condition which, if not cleaned up, would tend to obscure case gain, mask the true state of the case or obscure the state of Clear and prevent its full rehabilitation.

6.              Rehab of former releases has been added as a step, prior to any Date/Locate. For some pcs, the exact point of going Clear has been confused with other wins, points of case change or moments of release. Thus, with the actual point of going Clear obscured and/or confused with several other points, in many cases it was „solved“ by concluding the person „must always have been Clear“ and the actual date then not found. For others, a win, a release point or an ability gained has been erroneously taken for the point of going Clear when in fact the pc had not yet achieved the state of Clear.

None of these errors should now occur on the DCSI, with its requirement that the auditor be skilled in metering and its provision for getting the pc educated through the Scn CS-1, and with all former release points found and rehabbed before any Date/Locate of Clear is done.

Once a case is cleaned up and any former release points found and rehabili­tated, it can be determined whether or not the state of Clear has been achieved. If so, and if the proper evidences of Clear have been stated, the point where the person did go Clear can then be easily located and rehabbed on the Date/Locate step.

7.              Additional actions have been added for handling the pc who has not yet achieved Clear.



As the new DCSI steps now include the Scientology CS-l and rehab actions, they provide the pc with a good understanding of release states and the state of Clear and the difference between these, which understanding he may not have had formerly. These steps make it possible for the pc to view with better reality the level he has actually attained and they serve to give a more accurate picture of the true case state for auditor, C/S and pc alike.

Persons who have been permitted to attest over Mis-Us or confusions must be cleaned up on these, and any other needed actions on the DCSI would be taken in order to establish the validity or not of the attest and to ensure that the correct state is established and handled accordingly.

In those instances where the attest is valid but was done over Mis-Us or pos­sible doubts or confusions, one will see a big resurgence in the case when all this is cleaned up. In instances where such misunderstoods or doubts or confusions have. led to an incorrect attest, it is vital to the pc’s interest to get all false data and un­certainty off the line and the false attest corrected. Only then can he be correctly programmed and get the full benefit from his next correct action or level, whatever that may be.

It is possible that some percentage of those who have formerly attested to Clear may need or even request this revised DCSI.

Where an attest is valid it is valid. There have been large numbers of correct Clear attests with a resultant upsurge of the case and the person thereafter winning and progressing.

But where any doubt exists as to the validity of an attest the DCSI should be done standardly to clarify the matter for all concerned – and most particularly for the pc.


When a Dianetic Clear Special Intensive is indicated, this revised Intensive is now the only one to be used for the verification and rehabilitation of the state of Clear, and is only to be delivered by auditors and C/Ses fully qualified to do so.


When The Intensive Is Given

The Dianetic Clear Special Intensive is designed to sort out and handle the following situations:

1.              When an item stating the pc has gone Dianetic Clear has read on a C/S 53, GF, L3RG, End of Endless Drug Rundown List or Int RD Correction List or any other prepared list, and the read has been confirmed (i.e. it is not a false or protest read).

Such a read is only two-way commed to F/N in the session where the read occurs. It is not Rehabbed, Date/Located or otherwise handled at this point. The person is programmed and signed up for a Dianetic Clear Special Inten­sive during which he will get the State of Clear, if it exists, fully verified and rehabilitated.

2.              When an individual thinks he is or might be Clear and has originated so.

3.              When a person has attested to Dianetic Clear and has not had a formal auditing session to establish it, but has only had a mere D of P interview, and the validity of the attest is not evident per folder study.

(Trying to audit or rehab in an interview is Out-Tech, a misuse of D of P in­terviews, and doesn’t verify or rehabilitate the state.)

4.              Where there has been some attempt made to rehab the state of Dianetic Clear on an individual without use of this Intensive, which didn’t reach the correct end phenomena, or where the person wasn’t doing well after the rehab.

5.              When a person originates or asserts that he is or might be a natural Clear.

6.              When there is any doubt or uncertainty on the part of the pc or the C/S as to the validity of a former Clear attest (Dianetic Clear or natural Clear), and there is no firm evidence of Clear found after a thorough folder study. This would now be sorted out on the DCSI.

(Note:               The Dianetic Clear Special Intensive is not given to a non-Dianetic Clear in order to „audit him up to that state“. Its use is for verification and rehabbing of the state of Clear, per the above.)



Only Class IV Graduate auditors and C/Ses (or graduates of the former Sen­ior Class IV Course) or above, who have been specifically trained to deliver the Di­anetic Clear Special Intensive are qualified to do so. (Ref: HCOB 3 May 79R, Dia­netic Clear Series 7, DIANETIC CLEAR SPECIAL INTENSIVE C/S AND AUDITOR REQUIREMENTS.)



The following steps now comprise the Dianetic Clear Special Intensive:


A.              FES AND FOLDER STUDY


(Done only if needed, as adjudicated by the C/S after review of the FES and a full folder study.)

1)              Out-Int Handling


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