My Little Sister Can Read Kanji - Volume 02 [J-Novel Club][Kindle_Kitzoku].pdf

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Dear People of the 21st Century,
This book is a retitled and translated edition of
(by Gin Imose), which was published in the 23rd century.
This translation is not literal, and it has been adjusted in order to be
more easily readable by 21st century readers.
Furthermore, in order for the reader to gain a deeper understanding
of the literary and social culture of the 23rd century, I have included
translated excerpts from the literary magazine
Literary Gal.
keep in mind that these passages from
Literary Gal
are not presented
in their original text, but rather through my interpretive translation.
Now, I would like to give my warmest thanks to the original
author, Mr. Gin Imose, as well as the publisher of
Literary Gal,
Hoggy Japan, Inc., and all the other people involved in the creation of
this work. Y ou all have my utmost gratitude and appreciation.
The Translator
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