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If you are new to Virtual Audio Cable, please read the user manual
before installation.

The user manual file (vac.chm, a file named "vac" with a sheet and
question mark icon) is a HTML Help format file.

If user manual pages are not displayed properly, please check if
vac.chm file has the "Unblock" button in its Properties form.
Right-click the file to open its properties. If yes, unblock it.

See also "How blocking some attachments helps protect your computer"
topic in Windows Help (Start - Help and Support) and

Reading the manual, don't forget that there is the "Search" tab. Having
a problem, enter some words related to the problem and appropriate
pages will be displayed. Of course, search feature will not help if you
enter a question like "how can I use it?". It only finds pages
containing given keywords.
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