Idiot's Guides - Sewing by Cinnamon Miles.pdf

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Colorful, photo-rich
tutorials teach you
sewing visually
lessons for hand and
machine sewing
Fun, stylish projects
build on what
you’ve learned
Cinnamon Miles
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No one likes a know-it-all. Most of us realize there’s no such thing—
how could there be? The world is far too complicated for someone
to understand everything there is to know. So when you come across
a know-it-all, you smile to yourself as they ramble on because you
know better.
You understand that the quest for knowledge is a never-ending one,
and you’re okay with that. You have no desire to know everything, just
the next thing. You know what you don’t know, you’re confident enough
to admit it, and you’re motivated to do something about it.
At Idiot’s Guides, we, too, know what we don’t know, and we make
it our business to find out. We find really smart people who are
experts in their fields and then we roll up our sleeves and get to work,
asking lots of questions and thinking long and hard about how best
to pass along their knowledge to you in the easiest, most-accessible
way possible.
After all, that’s our promise—to make whatever you want to learn “As
Easy as It Gets.” That means giving you a well-organized design that
seamlessly and effortlessly guides you from page to page, topic to topic.
It means controlling the pace you’re asked to absorb new information—
not too much at once but just what you need to know right now. It
means giving you a clear progression from easy to more difficult. It
means giving you more instructional steps wherever necessary to really
explain the details. And it means giving you fewer words and more
illustrations wherever it’s better to show rather than tell.
So here you are, at the start of something new. The next chapter in
your quest. It can be an intimidating place to be, but you’ve been here
before and so have we. Clear your mind and turn the page. By the end
of this book, you won’t be a know-it-all, but your world will be a little
less complicated than it was before. And we’ll be sure your journey is
as easy as it gets.
Mike Sanders
Publisher, Idiot’s Guides
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by Cinnamon Miles
A member of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
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International Standard Book Number: 978-1-61564-411-7
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Publisher: Mike Sanders
Book Designers: Sarah Goguen, Kurt Owens
Executive Managing Editor: Billy Fields
Cover Designer: William Thomas
Acquisitions Editor: Karyn Gerhard
Indexer: Celia McCoy
Development Editor: Kayla Dugger
Layout: Brian Massey
Production Editor: Jana M. Stefanciosa
Proofreader: Laura Caddell
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For my girls, Makena and Liberty—may you always strive to become Proverbs 31 women.
Cinnamon Miles
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